
Out of context: Reply #29330

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  • utopian3

    Paul Ryan Collected $500,000 In Koch Contributions Days After House Passed Tax Law


    • you know, swamp the drain...
    • I pray for the Dems to mention this around the clock until November, but they never fucking follow throughallthethings
    • the dems are weak as shitGuyFawkes
    • That's the major issue with US politics. Both sides of the house are bought and paid for. It would be hypocritical to call them out. Ironically.monoboy
    • You should be marching in the street for a total ban on lobbying, contributions and political adds.inv
    • Yeah, they go at each over dumb things constantly, but challenge their pay or donors and they'll join hands to fight. It's horrible.formed
    • This must make the residents of his hometown, Janesville, Wisconsin - where the median household income is $49,372 - so very proud of him.mg33

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