
Out of context: Reply #67144

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  • set3

    I've been chasing a very small invoice (via email) for about 4 months now. He's the kind of guy that doesn't bother to reply once you've sent him the work and you won't hear from him again for weeks or months until you start chasing him. Bit of a cunt. Anyway, this time it's been 4 months, no response to initial email containing the work and the invoice, no response to my 3 reminder emails over the past 4 months.

    Today I just sent him an email explaining that he's not a client that I want. He's rude, unappreciative and above all else doesn't pay the fucking invoices for months, and this time it's gone too far. I basically told him to fuck off.

    After this he responds instantly, apologising, explaining that he's paid the invoice and now wants me to a new, full service branding exercise for him...


    • i have a client exactly the same. he's not in the fashion business is he?hans_glib
    • as tempting as it is, if you take it you'll likely be chasing another 4-month late invoice in a year's time, only for a lot more moneyFax_Benson
    • Maybe I'll ask for 50% up front and not start it for 4 months.set
    • 50% up front 25% midway through, 25% before release of files. He's proven not to be credit worthy, but if he pays up front, why not?monNom
    • ^ money up front yes. My dad used to give a discount if someone paid in a certain amount of time.mugwart
    • I like that idea. Just add on 15% and tell them if they pay within your desired time they get 15% off. Geniusset
    • Always 50% upfront unless a v.trusted clientfadein11
    • Always money. I myself do a third down to start, third mid-project and a third at the end. No money, no workey.ETM
    • Yep. I always try for 50 / 25 / 25 on web projects on anything that looks like they may hold it up. But have done thirds as well if high budget.fadein11
    • I only ask for 50% if the sum over a certain amount. I don't get into late fees because if they can't pay on time, I assume they can't cover more fees.spadeandheart
    • After a NET30, I send a reminder and again at NET45 (unless we've resolved expectations). At NET60, if they're being negligent...spadeandheart
    • ...I let them know a collections agency will be contacted. I've only had to send that email once; I was paid the next day.spadeandheart
    • It is a principle thing hough even if only small invoice. From my years of freelancing the best clients in all respects also happen to be good payers.fadein11
    • so basicallly set deals with his clients like trump deals with foreign affairssince1979
    • I understand about principle. At some point though chasing invoices distracts from other work, and if the chase lasts long enough the person not paying figuresspadeandheart
    • ...they won't need to pay. I'm upfront with the policy for late payment at the start of the project, and contracts are a given for large sums.spadeandheart
    • Also, clients are pretty responsive when you do the "we all know this is late so let's work something out" lifeline. For folks who don't appreciate...spadeandheart
    • ...that courtesy, then the bridge is burned. It doesn't mean I have to be the one standing there hair on fire trying to get them to pay.spadeandheart
    • I also don't like upfront payment because now I'm bought. If I'm X hours into a project and I can tell the relationship isn't going to work...spadeandheart
    • ...then I can thank them for the opportunity to excuse myself. I don't owe them, they don't owe me...clean breakup and no one feels like they've been cheated.spadeandheart
    • Re: Set...I wouldn't take the 2nd gig. Had a client pay 90d late. We agreed that sucked. Took another job, 2nd job paid after 90d when they promised it'd be 30.spadeandheart
    • My contract is 50% to start and rest paid in full before file release, especially if digital files. Only had one of many clients not like it but signed anyhow.phatwrx
    • Yea i don't ask for 50% upfront unless it's a project worth at least a grand or two. I've just done small fry work for him to dateset
    • I think I'll sack the cunt off anyway, after all this he asked me if I could work tonight! And when I told him it'll be double to work am evening on such...set
    • ... short notice he replied with... "that's a bit OTT, most people would be grateful for the work".... Yea, fuck you sunshine.set
    • Ask 100% up front, dont do the job, when he asks whats up, respond "sorry do we know each other?"Bennn
    • Ha - he sounds a dick. Sacking him off is the best decision. Cheeky fucker.fadein11
    • if that is the trouble he gave you for a small invoice it might be much more for a large onesofas

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