Star Wars Episode VIII

Out of context: Reply #102

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  • yuekit1

    ^ This might be one of the few cases where the audience is closer to the mark than the critics.

    Putting aside the fact that it's Star Wars, I didn't think it was a great or even particularly good film in terms of the basics of plot, dramatic tension and suspension of disbelief.

    If what they needed to do in order to advance the plot was decimate the resistance and have Kylo take over, surely someone could have come up with a better storyline than this whole thing about finding a locksmith to break into the ship so you can turn off tracking of your ship (lol).

    Also some very weird choices in terms of casting. What was the thinking behind putting Laura Dern in there with purple hair, was it some kind of nod to modern feminism? Snoke as a CGI villain was very poorly done, felt cartoonish like something out of the prequels. Kylo Ren is sort of interesting as a conflicted villain, but I have a hard time understanding where they are going with his character. None of the bad guys...Snoke, Kylo, the ginger haired guy...were remotely scary.

    It did pick up a bit at the end, but overall very underwhelming considering the potential.

    • Pretty much this. I can't get over the technology part - current life is more advanced and just makes this look even more silly.formed
    • It got interesting for about 10s when her and Kylo connected, the island potential, but it felt hwood exec just said "forget any plot dev, more explosions!"formed

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