
Out of context: Reply #67108

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  • scarabin4


    just went full skynet on my house, connecting lights, sound system, displays, smoke alarm, and security cameras to google home. it's cool and everything but now it feels like i have a half-retarded, deaf housekeeper that i'm shouting at all the time

    hey google. google. HEY GOOGLE! OKAY GOOGLE!

    fuck's sake, i can just pick up a remote and have it done faster

    • Can’t you just hit a button on your phone and say what you want?monospaced
    • yeah that works but i have to have my phone, unlock it, hold down home and say the command. i could just stand up and turn the lights on myselfscarabin
    • lolGuyFawkes
    • sounds creepy.inteliboy
    • The fun really starts when the google shitbox gets a firmware update that breaks everything. Or, more likely, Google shelves the project and stops support.face_melter
    • did you do the Pixel 2 combo?sofakingback
    • galaxy s8+ but will prob get a pixel nextscarabin
    • should just get a butler...pango
    • google! chicken cam on!drgs
    • I use Siri to do this stuff, and don’t have to unlock the phone. I can even use the Siri remote for the Apple TV for it. Saves time for sure and pretty conveniemonospaced
    • But that’s essentially using a remote, like you said. Even then it’s convenient giving a single voice command and having any number of things respond.monospaced
    • Everyone should get a my cocain.
    • I find myself being more disturbed than excited by new technology these days. I am getting old.fadein11
    • ^ I am with you, fadein11!SimonFFM
    • my dad had this all rigged up at home over christmas. nope, nope, nope.kingsteven
    • The audio response on my google home works really well. You'll have to get Mini for the other rooms. I just wish activation was 'one word.' instead of hey googlHayoth
    • I'm with fadein11! Its not I dont like it - I just dont trust the people behind the technologymugwart
    • Is there any more trust for Amazon over Google? Just curious?ETM
    • i don't trust either of them but i figure i'm only on this planet for a few more decades, might as well enjoy the tech and not live like a dinosaurscarabin
    • Is it possible to change the prompt from "OK Google" to anything else i.e. "OK Wiretap" or "OK Prism"?prophetone
    • it looks like there was a third-party solution for that but google blocked itscarabin
    • Skynet 1984: World Domination.
      Skynet 2017: scarabin screaming at his dumb house, he went full skynet on voluntary.
      Kind of disappointed.
    • I have an enchanting magic skull that does absolutely everything for me.utopian
    • High five!! I have one too!pango
    • It sounds like more work than convenience. Ooh. My refrigerator is online. Nobody needs shit like that.jagara
    • What you don't like to check with your fridge on the way home and see if you need milk?ETM
    • Then your fridge starts sending you push notifications when fruit/veg goes bad. Then it opens a FB account and friends you. I see no downsides.ETM
    • lolscarabin_net

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