
Out of context: Reply #29035

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  • oey3

    2017 the year Pedofilia got legit...again!

    • for shits and giggles. how is a gays sexual preference different than a pedo or a foot jockey?deathboy
    • we can say by the standard of law, but than we define gay marriage as such illegal. we can say by age but we choose military before alcohol.deathboy
    • it might seem sick and twisted to you. but remember that is how church goers feel about gays. take this viewpoint to see the other side when you act so emotionadeathboy
    • i know my nature when i was 14 pining after women regardless of age. all i wanted is a little carnal knowledge and get my dick wet.deathboy
    • and brings up nature vs rule of law. and which is incorrect based on perspective. u get closed minded and fall into the ban hammer of differencedeathboy
    • you lose any high ground. your no better than person hating gays or those differentdeathboy
    • Aah. The old gay / paedophilia trope. Get fucked you pinheaded little cunt.face_melter
    • i couldn't say it better face_melter.oey
    • But this is a guy who poses as an ultra moralist..and wants to erase the line between government and religion.yuekit
    • Even if a 30 something dating 15 year olds doesn't bother you, it's hypocrisy on a ridiculously absurd level.yuekit
    • Kevin "deathboy" Spaceyfadein11
    • lol, you're comparing a sexual preference to wanting to fuck children!?!?!? what a fucking sick thing to say!monospaced
    • that, in a nutshell, is the backwards, morally-fucked ethically challenged, HATEFUL, bigoted thinking of "christians" right theremonospaced
    • even implying homosexuality is a choice is so fucking ignorant, it makes anyone who claims that sound like a medieval fucktardmonospaced
    • lol ... fucking hell ... hating a pedophile is not comparable to hating a person based on their NATURAL sexual orientationmonospaced
    • deathboy has gone full ruhtard.
      Not surprising.
    • Fucking an underage child is illegal. Being gay isn't. Next thing you'll try to argue that being gay should be illegal too. Please don't be that asshole.monospaced
    • he already is that asshole.fadein11
    • I dunno. I think he's just partly making a comparison, for a discussion.monospaced
    • it's a v.old comparison/discussio... which only assholes ever make.fadein11
    • haha you guys are no different than the ultra gay haters. a sexual preference is a sexual preference. you set the rules in which defines the morality.deathboy
    • its hypocrisy to choose one natural preference over any other natural preference. plus a very interesting thing is also how did the idea of a child come about?deathboy
    • postman books on the disappearance of childhood and how the idea of children is going back to once it was because an abundance of informationdeathboy
    • interesting book and observations but im guessing no one is interested in that.deathboy
    • if I need to reiterate my stance, it's i dont care what goes on behind doors if its consensual. i also think gays fucked up on marriage wanting to be recognizedeathboy
    • equally when they should have attacked special privileges or gov rules that straight married people get. they should have wanted those stripped. after alldeathboy
    • marriage is only a social contract. and no im not religious but I can still like some teachings in all religion or just have faith in a cosmic karma or shitdeathboy
    • asswipe confirmed.fadein11
    • and in the spirit of the season with all the sexual harrassment stuff. sex is awkward. mixed signals, or uncertainty, fear of nakedness and judgement. it candeathboy
    • be quite messy. honest mixed signals isn't harassment, and using position of influence to cater to relations is not poor form. its actually quite natural darwindeathboy
    • louie ck for example i see did nothing wrong. except cheat on his wife, but maybe they had a deal you can jerk off for any other chic but dont fuck themdeathboy
    • i dont even think moore has done anything wrong from what i read. went on some dates, all consensual. but his politics i dont like. he's a hypocrite on rule ofdeathboy
    • law vs his gods law. but hey theres my soap box for the mornindeathboy
    • so, what you're saying is, a group of religious extremists thinks gays should be lumped in with kid fuckers, and should represent us in government?monospaced
    • fuck that shit, that's some hate filled, ignorant ass backwoods thinking if I've ever heard itmonospaced
    • and no, I'm not even comparable to a homophobe because I refuse to lump homosexuality in with pedophiliamonospaced
    • im saying sexual preference = sexual preference. pretty basic mono. A = A. I'm not saying you can't be discriminate in what you feel is acceptable. Theresdeathboy
    • no hate, no emotion, involved whatsoever in stating the obvious truth here. But you can learn from it. You obviously share the same feelings that religious belideathboy
    • evers feel about gays. so what you feel right now is akin to how they feel. Maybe shows a little more tolerance when explaining the reasoning. And acceptancedeathboy
    • in discrimination when dealing with human beings like in the case of a baker. a couple of you guys seem to be missing the bigger picture.deathboy
    • yeah, I get it ... christians hate gay people and are like "well, if being gay isn't illegal, then I support someone who tries to fuck underage girls."monospaced
    • that is the gist of what you're sayingmonospaced
    • that is what they're doing ... they're out there, just like you're doing here, saying that it's natural to want to fuck underage girls, and they support mooremonospaced
    • come on mono you aren't that dense. Im saying christians dont like gay sexual preferences, you don't like nubile preferences. you both share strong emo dicrimadeathboy
    • tory views. And i use nubile because i don't think its age that causes sexual arrousal, or it might be. So you share same views in wanting rules to protect youdeathboy
    • r world views. i thought this is a perfect instance to illuminate that and perhaps you should think about it.deathboy
    • Im wondering why you dont think being attracted to young nubile people is not natural? You think we can send pedos to straight camps to fix their choices?deathboy
    • I'm ALSO saying that christians don't like gays, and are using that argument to justify supporting pedophilia.monospaced
    • Just like you are, except they mean it. Now, I'm PROUD to be dense if I think it's unnatural to fuck a 14 year old. Go ahead and say it's normal in public.monospaced
    • At least I'm not the one defending and supporting Roy Moore, who has been accused of this by many people over decades. That's some deplorable, backwards shit.monospaced
    • @deathboy, you send pedos to jail for fucking children. You don't do that with gay people. Straight camps don't work for gays, because being gay isn't a choice.monospaced
    • if a pedo doesn't act on his/her desires, aka, doesn't rape a minor, then they are not criminals ... how is that hard to grasp?monospaced
    • Your law that sends pedos to jail is no different than the law that kills gays in iran. In iran if a gay doesn't have homo sex he doesn't die. Would u accept adeathboy
    • law in the states to jail gays? Even if its democratically voted for? Which agian sexual preference = sexual preference. You choose to make one wrong and anothdeathboy
    • er ok based on how you feel about it. same as religion people who see god law as killing gays as unnatural by nature of procreationdeathboy
    • WTF?!?!??!oey
    • I guess I cant use reason to convince a backwater church indoctrinated person abot their views on gays no differently than a educated indoctrinated city slickerdeathboy
    • perhaps you can simple state why a sexual preference is not a sexual preference. so far u have only stated a human law. which law changes. either you supportdeathboy
    • contradicting laws as they are, or the law of identity.deathboy
    • i think thats your hangup. u somehow think they are different, same as a difference in hetero or homo. I just don't see how you think they are different.deathboy
    • lol, you're off the deep end ... at least I can share my thoughts in public without being considered a sick fuckmonospaced
    • and at the same time, you're 100% right, I'm AGREEING that christians hate gays, and that our laws don't agree with that, and isn't like the Iranians.monospaced
    • Personally, I think the current laws get it mostly right: gays are human beings, equal in every way, and pedophiles are troubled and child rape is bad.monospaced
    • AND YES, that's just a human law. Being gay ISN'T a choice though. Fucking a kid is. If you have issue with that like Moore supporters, then that's on you.monospaced
    • So we're free to choose our genders, but according to mono, being gay isn't a choice.omg
    • Did Kevin Spacey not claim that he will now choose to live a gay life?omg
    • If you have sex with a transexual, does that make you transexual, gay or straight?omg
    • ha justification of majority in saying im a sick fuck. freeing niggers was sick talk to. same as being gay. dont base it on human law and culture.base arguemendeathboy
    • ts on reason. you ever read platos symposium? but maybe you are confused about sexual preference because it associates choice. and that word is used in gay campdeathboy
    • but we all choose based on our proclivities. meaning if you are attracted to same sex choose so. christians say that is a bad choice, you say nubile is baddeathboy
    • that is hypocrisy. at least admit it and live by it. really where id have liked to see you have taken this is the angle of consent. where people who see the prideathboy
    • nciple and hypocrisy would take it. socrates would say if you find it a problem than keep your boy away from me. the role of the parent in deciding over thedeathboy
    • youth. Can a person contest but somehow not know what they are doing? which many 14 years old know more about sex than 45 years old these days with internetdeathboy
    • the biological implifications of the age of puberty and the how hormones in food products have been making puberty happen fasterdeathboy
    • you really could act a bit more open minded and get out of your monospaced belief structures.deathboy
    • lol, trust me, this isn't a unique belief structure here ... I'm AGREEING with your point that man-made views are differing.monospaced
    • so I get it, you're talking about the nature of our species ... fine. I agree, sexual attraction is instinct.monospaced
    • WHat I'M saying, is that only christians and foreign extremists seem to think being gay is an abomination. You ALSO said that.monospaced
    • What I'M saying is that we're seeing this ugly head rear up on the right, to defend child molestation, arguing that it's OKAY because it's NATURAL!monospaced
    • What I'M saying isn't a lack of open mindedness. I'm saying that if someone argues in favor of pedophilia, like is ACTUALLY happening, they're assholesmonospaced
    • It is NOT hypocritical of me to say homosexuality is not a crime, and that pedophilia is. That's actual law. There's no flaw in my "belief structure."monospaced
    • I can't help but think that you're making this fucked logical leap to somehow JUSTIFY Trump's support of an accused criminal pedophile and sexual deviant.monospaced
    • so the army of tards is growing in QBN...WTF?!oey
    • Meanwhile mono never gave a shit when Muslims were stoning gays and throwing them off roofs. But Christians....omg
    • Those Christians and their crazy Christmas.... am i right? Islamaphobia, yea?omg
    • @deathboy Kids are stupid. Puberty isn't a start whistle.garbage
    • @omg Nice strawman, yawn. If you're actually going to try to go to the mattresses and scream Clinton and Franklin, Muslims etc..garbage
    • ..yet completely write off Moore, Trump, Shortey, Christian terrorists. It seems you either don't care or can't understand, so shut the fuck up you daft twat.garbage
    • Well mono i've given up since you still seem to justify the point by the law. It's absolutely hypocrisy to say one instinct is correct and not the other.deathboy
    • @garbage your arguement is better than all of the others because it is the one that actual law is based upon. is age = to ability to consentdeathboy
    • with alcohol we say no drinking before 21 because kids are stupid. and yet we draw a line (state dependent) at age of consent, but allow kids to get drunk on sedeathboy
    • x under the age of consent. as long as they dont have sex across that imaginary line. If it happens and consentual only one party is guilty, but with otherdeathboy
    • stuff we dont allow minors for stupidity both parties get in trouble (shoulder tapping). If its dumb to make mistakes as kids, but adults do it as well are theydeathboy
    • not dumb? We have some really weird rules on these topics because of the nature to openly discuss them because of judgemental ppl. maybe a gay would understanddeathboy
    • personally i think its a minor offense, up there with doing weed or coke or drunken in public by LAW. But it shouldn't need laws like weed was banned.deathboy
    • personally i take the socratic approach and put it on the parents if there kids are out there doing shit. As a parent I'd be upset if my 14 year was dating a 30deathboy
    • i wonder if the parents of the child was happy she was with moore a lawyer man. its not uncommon for many parents to sell children out for upgraded lifestyledeathboy
    • anyways id not vote for moore based on his politics. i dont think hes worth reading about to much but what i got was everything was consentual and when the chideathboy
    • c declined he did the gentleman thing and drove her home and didnt harass her. but really the logic is more fundeathboy

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