
Out of context: Reply #28991

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  • lowimpakt3

    so, Kushner failed to declare an interest in a foundation that funded illegal israeli settlements and now trump is claiming jerusalem as the capital of israel a few days after his muslim ban.

    this is going to be fine.

    • diversion more and more diversion.sted
    • excuse my ignorance but why is the world allowing an American buffoon to make the call on the Jewish capital?monospaced
    • I think Israel need international support to do so, Trump just gave it to them. Not sure about legality but US can use influence and $ to fuck over anyone.monoboy
    • The rest of the world just said fuck no, so I think either the UN/NATO need to say so or a conflict is needed to settle it.monoboy
    • It's either the dumbest of moves or a plan to incite violence and destabilise the entire region for political reasons.monoboy
    • Or both.monoboy
    • I suspect some in the GOP want a Holy War of their own. Although, the US will end up fighting on several fronts with an ego maniac at the helm. History tells..monoboy
    • but is there, realistically, any position he could have taken that would result in peace? yeah ... didn't think somonospaced
    • if he had sided with palestinians, there would have been an uproar also, plus violence ... it's their choice to fight over it, blaming the US is idioticmonospaced
    • Disagree. The US funds Israel's army which has Palestinians in the region under what is essentially apartheid. Recognise it as a state, might see progress.monoboy
    • This move by Trump has simply proved what many Palestinians believe to be true. Sadly.monoboy

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