
Out of context: Reply #28988

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  • bliznutty0

    i usually don't post actual political content unless its hilarious..

    Millennials' Political Views Don't Make Any Sense

    Millennial politics is simple, really. Young people support big government, unless it costs any more money. They're for smaller government, unless budget cuts scratch a program they've heard of. They'd like Washington to fix everything, just so long as it doesn't run anything.

    42% of Millennials think socialism is preferable to capitalism, but only 16% of Millennials could accurately define socialism in the survey.


    • and i'd say 90% re-post memes and regurgitate corporate media topics without any critical understanding of the underlying world which they live inbliznutty
    • I think they are unfairly picking on millennials here... I've seen polls that show the exact same thing among voters in general. i.e. people like the idea ofyuekit
    • government help but also want the most efficient government possible. Not really that much of a contradiction if you think about it. It's like saying I want theyuekit
    • most value for my money, same as with any service.yuekit
    • Also they get more economically conservative as they make more money? I would be amazed if this isn't true of every generation and demographic group.yuekit
    • 23 percent of Americans between ages 21 and 29 believe that Stalin was a “hero.”Gnash
    • http://humanprogress…Gnash
    • I think many see a broken system that favours the rich and believe that socialism could fix it. I don't think they're naive enough to think it will.monoboy
    • But millennial capitalists that think they're the answer are also wrong... https://pbs.twimg.co…monoboy
    • What we really need is a form socially democratic capitalism, whereby inclusive growth doesn't leave those that can't contribute behind.monoboy
    • Scandinavian countries (yes they have problems), are a prime example of how this can work and benefit all. High wage, high tax, high growth, people development.monoboy
    • And it all starts with putting children and education first.monoboy
    • https://i.pinimg.com…monoboy
    • ^ I think when millennials say socialism that's exactly what they are referring to... European style system which exists alongside free market.yuekit
    • @yuekit, don't be so sure about that. The US has a notoriously B/W view of things, and their media are more than happy to propegate this.Continuity
    • I think so too.monoboy
    • They can't make the distinction between communism, socialism, and Scandi-style democratic socialism. It's all the same thing to them.Continuity
    • So if the concepts aren't properly explained, it's hardly surprising that US millennials (or, indeed, people in the US in general) have no clue what's what.Continuity
    • A lot of people incorrectly assume that all socialist government = Venezuela. When in fact social democracy = Germany, Norway, Sweden etc.monoboy
    • Yep - it's working just fine for Germany.fadein11
    • Totally agree monoboy. The "but Venezuela" comeback is up there with "but emails"fadein11
    • @continuity - unfortunately that's what happens when generations have been told that anything red is a threat and must be destroyed.fadein11
    • I think the millennial conception of "socialism" is heavily influenced by Bernie Sanders campaign where he basically just pitched the European system for U.S.yuekit
    • And let's face it, socialism is a pretty vague term to begin with. It can conceivably refer to anything from North Korea to a hippy commune :)yuekit

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