
Out of context: Reply #28959

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  • monoboy6

    So, this tax bill lets the rich keep more money instead of investing it in infrastructure, public services and education and as a result America is made great again?

    Despite all historical economic evidence to the contrary.

    The only thing stopping a revolt in a decades time will be control of the media and a militarised police force.

    Better hope they get caught before they dismantle your system of government.

    • I am very interested to see how much my taxes increase.R_Kercz
    • Well currently the economy is booming, so let's see how long this goes on for...robotron3k
    • “booming”scruffics
    • Seriously. The rot goes well deeper than Trump. And robo "the economy" is booming in the sense that the market is up, butallthethings
    • most of my friends haven't gotten raises since 2007. Those that were laid off during the past decade (like me) are making a lot less than we didallthethings
    • And I am not a coal miner.allthethings
    • When the middle class can no longer afford housing, healthcare or education, your economy will begin its death spiral.monoboy
    • The working class used to be the ones getting fucked endlessly, now it's the middle class as well. Shit gonna hit the fan soon.fadein11
    • Also, the reason the stock market is so high central is because banks have printed trillions since the crash in 2008.monoboy
    • Zombie economic system propping itself up through quantitative easing. It's all bent tax payers are liable for. It's a fucking joke.monoboy
    • *moneymonoboy
    • And it looks like this new tax plan will add trillions more to the debt. The rich are taking your money and making you pay for the privilege.monoboy
    • Trump has been played by the Chinese who are going to try and crash the dollar.monoboy

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