
Out of context: Reply #28923

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  • bliznutty-4

    how can you really call an american politician corrupt? a politician is nothing more than an individual seeking prosperity, wealth, and personal success/power/fame (which is a vital part of the individual american dream but really looked down upon in politics) who is then asked to put all of those individual qualities/desires away in order to become a political representative? seems irrational..

    how can you really call corporate intrusion into government corruption? a politician is not necessarily a trained professional in the industry it is regulating and when asked to make up rules for an industry it needs to work closely with the corporations to make up those rules. as well, a government feeds off of corporate tax just to exist so they basically work together to co-exist.

    as well. in most cases the government is really just the organization that takes care of forcibly collecting the money to provide 'services' by which it then contracts out to private industry/corporations to actually do these services. thus again legally enabling the playing field for personal wealth to be obtained and tightly coupling the corporate-government relationship

    at the end of the day the system is inherently corrupt in its natural state with no plans to fix. all everybody screams about is stopping campaign contributions.. but aren't campaign contributions really just a way for corporations to increase their chances of getting chosen for a bid/contract that was going to be given to some corporation anyway?

    is all anyone ever gonna do is sit around and just say government is corrupt without identifying the hopeless nature of it all? i think its time for humanity to start considering major historical changes to their way of life without being so absurdly naive and psychotic (which is to repeat same process/action but expect different results)

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