
Out of context: Reply #66918

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  • fourth6

    Update on the 'I hooked up with the hottest girl at the wedding' posts I've been making:

    We spent this past weekend together and it was like we were in our own little world. She has a funny and weird side that I would've never guessed. There are about 4-5 qualities that I look for from my past relationships- and she has them all. It went from kind of awkward for the first few hours... to 'we're together' in an instant.

    The only downside is she lives 9 hours away, but that shouldn't stop me.

    • Make it happen, my future wife lives in DR :)Maaku
    • oh that's the nice thing about love...
      you're in trouble :)
    • move!dorf
    • Not that far. GF lived in Bath and I London. Made the time to see her weekly and still was a dad weekend. Totally doable - good luckmugwart
    • yeeeeh bbbbbbboi!scruffics
    • Make her move, why do you have to do all the leg work? ;-)Ianbolton
    • thanks guys, trying to not think too far ahead but I am more mobile with my career where as she can't relocate as easilyfourth
    • pffft.. 9 hours.. the first 6 month of my relationship we were Sydney to Germany apart.. you make it happen.autoflavour

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