Out of context: Reply #430

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  • d_gitale3

    I was on a business trip (tradeshow) with colleagues, but could not bring anything with us on air travel. After arriving I tried to get hold of some gear through a friend of a friend of my brother. Finally I meet the guy and he gives me a big block of hash. We got baked good all through our last day, but unable to finish all before our return flight. So one last spliff on the lawn in front of the airport. I then wrapped the rest in plastic foil from a pack of cigs, sealed it with a lighter and stuffed it in a nearby tree hole. Fast forward 6 months later we are back to the tradeshow again and can't wait to see if it would still be where we left it. I was the only one who had to claim his baggage, so the others go out first. Once I got my bag I am heading out to meet up and see if we are happy. From far I can see my mate in a cheering pose walking towards me. As we meet I realize he is completely soaking wet. Turns out there was a sprinkler pointed right at that tree. But we got our gear and all was good. Can not remember much about the tradeshow though. Good times.

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