
Out of context: Reply #28532

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  • sofakingback13

    yea but keep in mind, omg is just posting what he thinks you'll react to. thats all. He has no real point of view or anything intelligent to contribute. He just needs human interaction.

    It's the same behavior found in borderline personality disorder or other mental illness. He doesn't care if you attack him, agree with him, etc. He wants engagement. Anyone that spends that amount of effort to instigate a design forum just to get attention has serious emotional issues and zero life. Think about how much of his life is this?

    He says he's not a troll and contributes discourse. Look at what he's posted on this page alone.

    He used to say he was not a trump supporter before the election, now look at him.

    The real issue is QBN for allowing him to be on here. Other members get banned for far less. he has multiple accounts that are obviously him and it just goes unchecked.

    What do I know, I was banned for criticizing QBN before.

    • yes, users were banned for far less. disseminating and defending hate speech, sexism, racism, homophobia, etc...how os this possible?oey
    • I already wrote it myself that different political views is one thing, defending this constant attempt on human rights is something else.oey
    • QBN is like Twitter. Rose McGowan out, but Trump gets more characters to write hate speech and it's okay.oey
    • QBN has no clear guidelines when it comes to this, I guess it depends either on the Mods or in the Moodsoey
    • Remember that three strike stoy? It must have been a bad joke.oey
    • She's just taking the piss to provoke people for kicks.monoboy
    • i've been sayin' omg's livin for the downvotes
    • he's a troll and easy to ignore peoplejaylarson
    • You guys all goad him on. It's kinda crazy how some of you lose your shit over his posts. they're really not that controversialGnash
    • If only everyone could pull together and stop replying to anything he says, and stop downvoting his posts...mg33
    • ... hold that thought mg33...kona
    • And #qbnBoycottomg is bornkona

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