
Out of context: Reply #28435

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  • Morning_star5

    *Waves at America*

    You cowardly, pathetic, backward fucks.

    "The US failed to back a United Nations resolution to condemn death penalty sentences against gay people for having sex, because it feared it could lead to executions being banned in America."


    • this belongs in the News of the Day thread so it can make it to the cover... fucked up
    • Things like this actually amount to a "guilt by association" mindset in other countries. I'm becoming embarrassed to be a dual citizen knowing that...ben_
    • ...no one will stand up to this in any meaningful way.ben_
    • meh, not our vote. not our opinion. but i do appreciate your bigotry. the irony is not lost.imbecile
    • Ahh , the old ‘look the other way’ and undermine with untruths approach. Well done. BTW I forgot to include ‘Ignorrant’ in my description.Morning_star
    • continue to cast blame where it does not lay, this is not a referendum we can vote on. there is no way for the public to influence administration here.imbecile
    • as far as the public opinion of said admin, https://www.vox.com/… "growing number don't like"imbecile
    • but hey, if you need to blame me, whatever helps you sleep at night.imbecile
    • The people YOU vote for dictate YOUR foreign policy. Are you suggesting that US representatives at the UN do whatever they want?Morning_star

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