Car of The Day

Out of context: Reply #1231

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  • detritus1

    I've been surprised recently reading a fair amount of forum feedback around tehwebs about how apparently poor quality a lot of German and luxury cars are and how much time they spend getting fixed up in the garage over a couple year span - and these are new cars. This from the context of people defending/accusing electric cars of having more/less problems and service issues.

    I grew up believing german cars were unreproachable and I guess I'd assumed that luxury would equate to well-built.

    Point is, I'm no mechanic but I'm fairly confident I could bluster my way through basic repairs and maintenance on an older car, but whenever I see under the hood of a modern car, it's not even magic — it's like staring at an epoxy-coated microchip — it's a total fucking mystery where anything even is, never mind how to fix it.

    • Today is the day of run-on sentences, apparently.detritus
    • I'm not too sure I ended up resolving a point in all that. Apos.detritus
    • You make a good point. It simply isn't possible to self-maintain a modern car without some serious diagnostic equipment, proprietary skills and...Muncher
    • a willingness to throw away a whole chunk of the car just because a bulb or a sensor has died.Muncher
    • As for German stuff. It used to be thoroughly over-engineered. Get a W123 or W124 Merc and you're good for life (with care and maintenance)Muncher
    • but the German auto industry learned to downgrade quality for economy from the rest of the world and now they are no more sturdy or reliable than anyone else's.Muncher

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