Climate Change

Out of context: Reply #119

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  • utopian4

    Houston is underwater. Another massive hurricane has made landfall and caused widespread misery and devastation. Warmer oceans are making these storms stronger and wetter. But climate change deniers (including our current denier-in-chief) continue to slash regulations that would curtail global warming. They’ve also pulled out of the global climate accord in spite of mountains of scientific evidence proving our planet is warming at an alarming rate, and plans are to ramp up coal and emissions regardless of the effects on the environment. Meanwhile those of us that can see with our own eyes fear that we’re witnessing the end of days. Is this the new normal?…

    • well, think about this. none of us should be alive, this guy has been in power for over 10 days and he still has not pushed the button.Miguex
    • Just enjoy life while you have it man, we all knew he was going to screw everything up. As the human race, we needed this guy...Miguex
    • To remind us that even if things are not great, it can always go down to shit in any second. Next time dnc will think twice before shooting itself in the footMiguex

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