Open Carry in America

Out of context: Reply #176

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  • yuekit1

    I'm OK with guns, open carry and all that but I wish Americans would drop the pretense they need guns to "stay free" or protect themselves from the government.

    Plenty of countries with strict gun control that are perfectly free...and the U.S. in reality isn't that free in many ways.

    Americans on the left and right constantly complain about how oppressed they are, the guns didn't prevent any of it apparently.

    Just admit you have so many guns because you like guns...and that there's a price to be paid for that. You're never realistically going to be able to prevent mentally ill people from getting guns when there are more firearms in the country than there are people.

    • I'd also lump ppl who feel the need for high capacity magazines or carry multiple magazine pouches in there.GM278
    • In a defensive, life or death situation you're not going to have time to reload and lets be honest, if you can't protect yourself with the rounds in your gunGM278
    • You should probably work on your aim.GM278
    • it's ok for you you're ex military. for most people it's a big step from carrying a gun to actually pointing it at someone and shooting them.hans_glib
    • at least i hope it is... which is why i keep a wide berth from any idiot i see carrying a gun when i'm in the ushans_glib
    • Military or not, it's a massive responsibility to carry let alone potentially take a life. PPL who wish to carry need to be extensively trained and educated.GM278
    • look at venezuela. the gov't stripped the civilians from owning guns. now they can't get rid of the gov't. only the bad side has the guns.hotroddy
    • the gov't wants you powerless and dependant on them. that how big gov't thrives.hotroddy
    • I dunno man. That's an argument raised by ppl who want high capacity magazines. I just feel they should spend a bit more time getting involved...GM278
    • politics or even educated to make more informed decisions on whom they vote for and a little less time worrying about how many rounds they can shoot.GM278
    • Perhaps they'd have a bit less to fear.GM278
    • I'm not saying guns wouldn't be useful in some extreme situations. Just that they aren't necessary for a free society. For every Venezuela you have Japan,yuekit
    • Taiwan, South Korea, Netherlands, Germany, etc. If you reached the point where armed revolt is your only option a lot of things probably went wrong first.yuekit
    • Also in the U.S. at least I feel like if there was an armed uprising it's almost inevitable the government would win. The only difference with a heavily armedyuekit
    • populace would be to greatly increase number of casualties.yuekit
    • it can happen easily in US. all you need is a military coup. I'm sure liberals would welcome it.hotroddy
    • Good point, guns or no guns, America is about as free as it ever will be. Which is to say, not that free.ben_

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