
Out of context: Reply #66340

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  • kona2

    So the guy and the developers I've been talking about for a week...

    Last Friday we had an app review with the Senior Leaders and it couldn't have gone worse. Actually, the only way it could have gone worse is if the guys phone exploded in his hand. The app failed. It was riddled with errors and bugs and every screen had at least 3 major design flaws that the devs didn't care to code correct.

    The app is shit. We utilize Zeplin which GIVES the devs code and assets, yet, they still completely fucked up the screens and flow.

    So I'm told today that we - the designers - are being pulled from the app. The devs are being given a week to change whatever they want following the direction of the guy who I've been griping about for months. He somehow seems to have convinced the bosses that I'm the problem.

    The CEO is to review the app next Wednesday and I can't wait.

    It's going to be a full on dumpster fire.

    • ouchGnash
    • yikes :/scarabin_net
    • total crap.capn_ron
    • Do we work at the same company? I feel like I'm dealing with the same bullshit these days.OP31
    • Seen this loads of times. When goes tits up you'll get the blame. Guy(girl) seems a dick head so I'd write an email to the ceomugwart
    • Explain the situation and why you feel this is a bad idea. Dont blame dont be angry. Be professional.when shit hits the fan you have covered your basesmugwart
    • And it has been declared out right.mugwart
    • Its heart breaking and i wish you the bestmugwart
    • ios or android (or both)? ios is much easier to implement designs due to the gui designer thingy (even though I never used it).section_014
    • Additionally, using generated code isn't always easy. Maybe xml in android for gui implementations.section_014
    • The good news is I've been explaining it to my boss and she 100% gets it, and agrees. As do the PMs and other Sr leaders who have to deal with this guykona
    • ios and android section_014. We outsourced the android portion and wouldn't you know its been fabulous. the devs here are ioskona
    • and don't fully understand the difference of screen densities.

      thanks for the advice and feedback!

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