
Out of context: Reply #66336

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  • pinkfloyd0

    I've been noticing more people falling down lately for some strange reason. I was around Columbus Circle and this old lady just fell and I heard a loud bump from her head. I was at Barnes and Nobles and this guy feel back on the escalator and I heard a loud bump again. I was walking down the street and saw this middle aged woman stumble and fall forward. Then a couple of days ago, I saw another middle aged woman just fall down. I get the feeling they were on some meds with side effects?

    • You sure it's not you on meds and you're going around pushing over old people?detritus
    • i'm sure i'm not on meds, especially doing research on thempinkfloyd
    • But I do shove people down on the subways if they give me shitpinkfloyd
    • *not down the platform, meaning inside the subway cartpinkfloyd
    • Old people just spontaneously fall.
      Waiting for this older guy to push cart across the street. Hit the curb and the cart went up in the air....
    • ..laying him out on his back. I couldn't believe what I saw, the strange physics involved. I had to run out of car to help get the cart off him.futurefood
    • A couple of times, they were middle aged ladies (in the forties, and another in the early fifties)pinkfloyd

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