Charlotsville Incidents

Out of context: Reply #78

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  • 133 Responses
  • set-6

    • How you can downvote this just boggles the mind. Somewhere deep in that air filled noggin of yours, you know it's true.set
    • https://media.giphy.…Bluejam
    • Like votes here actually have any currency in the real world?face_melter
    • I might be on to the divider's plans.
      Now what?
    • No but it's a representation of the minds that inhabit qbn.set
    • we're not worthy to be in your presence set. we are shamedkona
    • Utterly pathetic response. Why not discuss intelligently..?set
    • Because I'm not worthy?!kona
    • If you say so.set
    • if someone could only just define 'they' with clear evidence. The Elite? The Media? The Illuminati? Icke? Baking foil? The 'they is always quite vague isn't it.fadein11
    • fuck I missed the Rothschilds.fadein11
    • Life would be so simple if we just had a 'they' to focus on. Alas, life is more complex than that I'm afraid.fadein11
    • Please don't comment on my posts ever again, it's tedious. If you do your research you won't be so in the dark.set
    • lol - knickers in a twist everytime someone disagrees with you - you are like a law of physics lol. Define 'they' please. Or post another silly meme.fadein11
    • I've done so, so much research on this grand agenda thinking and came out the other end thinking it may be a load of bollocks :)fadein11
    • Ok Mrset
    • It's pretty easy if you have half a brain. You can trace a select few families back to antiquity that have a hidden hand in the way the world is organisedset
    • I suggest starting with a book called The God's of Eden by William Bramleyset
    • And it's only you that I react like that towards now, as you simply bask in your own ignorance and call that being rationalset
    • Yes I haven't read that book but read so much on exactly what you talk about (not to mention lots of videos). Like I said I came out thinking it may and Ifadein11
    • must stress may be bollocks. But I doubt anyone will know for sure will they.
      This silly post is a distraction from the issues at hand unfort.
    • I disagree, obviously haha. It's not a distraction at all it's a reminder not to be sucked in to the hatred and division.set
    • i like that its shawn of the dead. havent seen this image. great for thisdeathboy
    • remember fade is a brit who has no idea of american culture besides what is fed to him. he probably also lacks insight to his own countries cultures.deathboy
    • even i was surprised in scotland in the rural areas how many people rallied for trump. why i was the only american in a bar cheering for brexit and no onedeathboy
    • i drank with cared. of course theyll fuck it up but its what should be more important. the UK is FUCKED. their brightest moment has been brexitdeathboy
    • lol okset
    • I'm English too, FYI.set
    • It goes without saying that the average Brit is far better educated and knows far more about US politics than the average American is and does about UK politicsset
    • ... but I'm feeding a troll really aren't Iset
    • lol - deathboy - I have close family living in America. I have 2 best friends living in NYC. I have visited the US countless times. But no I know nothing aboutfadein11
    • US culture. Nothing at all. I have said many times how much I love the US. Like really love. I just have issues with a lot of it's history (like my own country)fadein11
    • and the Trumpster. But make it personal if you like. Sit back and revel in how well things are going over there if that's what you think pal.fadein11
    • 2 best friends prob an exaggeration - 2 close friends. Going back to NYC in a couple of months as well. Seems like people still have their heads screwed onfadein11
    • there ;)fadein11
    • @set - "not to be sucked into the hatred and division" sounds like a bit of a feeble cop out to me. I'd prefer the Western world didn't go backwards because afadein11
    • few dodgy politicians fed us a lie about a perceived enemy that is barely there.fadein11
    • @deathboy - my nationality is irrelevant. I don't take a lot of interest in borders, sovereignty etc. but I am sure you do deathboy. Is it like an obsession?fadein11
    • do you worry that America is being stolen from the people who stole it off the people who stole it? But continue making assumptions about me chump.fadein11

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