
Out of context: Reply #66321

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  • kona0

    We're quickly approaching the deadline to deliver our app live. We've got about 3 weeks left and there's probably 2 months worth of work left for the developers to catch up on, so I get it, they're under a ton of stress and maybe not thinking clearly.

    But daily, I shit you not daily I get requests like this...

    "D, you used the wrong button for linking w/Amazon. You need to use the Amazon button found here" and I get a link to download Amazon buttons from the Amazon site. All sliced in 1x, 2x, and 3x sizes for 2 different dps. My team and I are being asked to download sliced pngs, put the 2x png into 1 screen, save screen, export screen to zeplin, so dev can download the 1x, 2x, and 3x png assets from there to use in their code. Suck me sideways.

    Yesterday it was a JIRA ticket to fix a spelling error... in live code text assigned to me with the request that we fix it in the PSD, resave, export back to Zeplin so they can copy the new word.

    The day before I inquired about the shadow on a FAB (floating action button) and was told "If you want it different you'll have to create a JIRA ticket. And, you'll have to flatten the image to include both the shape and '+' symbol." I responded that we'd never supplied the image and that it just showed up with a too dark and too close to the surface shadow. The response back was they'd copied the code from google to which I responded they hadn't as the shadow is way off. Regardless, if I want it changed I'd have to copy-paste the correct shadow (6dp) to a JIRA ticket so they could copy-paste it in.

    I love this place and I hate this place. With each day it's more and more obvious the dev team is funneling all reasons why they won't hit their deadline to something my team and I didn't deliver. "We didn't provide x, we didn't document y, we never provided the correct text..." I've never been more anxious or had more anxiety than at this place here. It's killing me.

    • I have no idea what most of that even means.detritus
    • time to start logging the dev's internet traffic or straight block access to anything not related to developing from their machines.uan
    • you aren't missing muchkona
    • you need a good pm in between. someone who gathers the review and change wishes, filters them into priorities and communicates them in lists to the devs.uan
    • then give them time to finish the tasks and brings the next round of review / wishes the next day...otherwise it ends in an endless fight forth and backuan
    • agreed uan. our pm is pretty great but we're constantly overruled by the dev manager who will just tell the devs to change whatever, wheneverkona
    • so we'll get requests from QA or the devs to fix something we had no clue even existed. it's a mess. there is no way they'll hit the deadline.kona

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