
Out of context: Reply #66182

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  • eryx4

    Yesterday was a bit of a shit show but pretty exiting. First I got a flat tire on the work truck (second one in a week) and while I was trying to get back to the road I managed to get the truck stuck so bad that it would not even move. So of course it is after hours and everyone has gone home except my helper and I. The the only thing I could find to pull out the truck was a D9 Cat Side boom (picture for reference).

    Well I have no idea how to drive this thing and it is huge, lifts 230,000lbs, but I had to get the truck out so I just went for it. Lots of fun but I was pretty nervous, if I hit anything it would be destroyed. Breaks were the first priority for sure. It worked perfectly! I pulled the truck out, was able to get the tire changed and drive home.

    No one on the work site knows I did it and I am not telling anyone.

    Oh and I saw a lynx today.

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