Science Of The Day

Out of context: Reply #154

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  • dorf4

    the word expanding is incorrect. the proper term would be stretching. the universe is stretching just how a balloon stretches when filled with air.

    imagine that you draw a number of dots on a balloon. as you pump air in, the dots start to separate and the distance between them increases. this scenario is what's currently happening in the universe.

    better explained here:…

    • what about pre-Great Inflation?detritus
    • from what I've read it could be that the universe was a small dense object held in check by gravity. then a high energy event occurred to overcome gravity.dorf
    • try reading Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene. It's a little dense at times but provides good explanation of concepts.dorf
    • when u chase a rainbow is it expanding. i think our concepts of beginnings/ends are incorrect. we think of the things as static and solid, but they never are.deathboy
    • time and space I always think of as a rainbow. no beginning no end because both are dynamic and relative. tomorrow is yesterday. does it matterdeathboy
    • but i also played with the idea that there was a beginning and an end. which would mean there is no infinite. which might fuck math up. need a symbol that meansdeathboy
    • almost infinite but not infinite in that it might take near infinite decimal spaces but cant be infinite. but how do u measure something near infinite? a superdeathboy
    • computer to run for 1000s year to register a final near infinite number. than their is language and time. many cultures dont have language to perceive timedeathboy
    • i really liked the movie arrival with its focus linguistics and time. How linguistics define time and cultures like hopi see it differently.deathboy
    • perhaps we have used language wrong to give time a now before and after which altars our perception of it and approach. its convenient for dates thoughdeathboy
    • ^ why didn't you just write that in a separate post?dorf
    • more of an off the cuff comment. not really deserving of a post for a thread bumpdeathboy
    • A balloon is 'expanding' when it's blown up. Stretching... Expanding.... Semanticsset
    • I agree with deathboy though. Trying to fit the universe in to our narrow understanding is pretty futile.set

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