Science Of The Day

Out of context: Reply #153

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  • _niko3


    pretend that dot above is the current size of the universe. How far it has expanded from the big bang until now, 13.82 billion years later. Your screen represents the void that it is expanding into.

    Actually the space in the room that you are in, or the space of the entire planet or the space of the universe itself compared to that dot above represents the infinite space that our universe can expand into.

    Now what's to say that there isn't another dot 1km away, or 100 km away or a million km away. What's to say that there isn't billions of these dots stretching endlessly into the infinite void.

    I've woken up in a cold sweat the past couple of days struggling with the concept of the nothingness before the big bang(s).

    How did energy, gravity and everything else arise from nothingness. If there is time after the big bang, was there time before? how much?

    • btw, here is the universe for scale
    • smoke a weed for a month straight, isolate yourself in a room, and ponder these thoughts...will lead to an existential crisishotroddy
    • lol fuck that, I'm having an existential crisis with just a beer and some coffee I'd hate to see what weed would do to me lol_niko
    • go find some lectures on the subject ... online or if you're lucky you can find a live talk at a university or museum seriesmonospaced
    • Seriously awe inspiring stuff that makes you see how insignificant we all are in the big scheme of things. Quite humbling, mysterious and perfect in its nature.monospaced
    • time, space, and matter are inextricably linked. matter compressed to a singularity just means time and space exist in a different form.Gnash
    • Thoughts like these are why I had to stop taking acid way back. Getting lost in infinity isn't anywhere near as cool as it sounds. It's a sickeningly big place.detritus
    • ... much more fascinating and meaningful than religionmonospaced
    • There's not much human-tangible meaning in infinity ... unless you're Numbers Guy and don't understand how much noise there is before value.detritus
    • true, there is no tangible benefit to being able to comprehend the universe we live in, but that comprehension is more valuable (to me) than mere superstitionmonospaced
    • All religion is superstition? Even the better parts of Jesus' teachings? Buddha's?detritus
    • There's a lot more to religion than sky daddy bullshit, irrespective of whether we agnostics agree that bundling morals within is a good idea or not.detritus
    • I didn't say that.monospaced
    • In my opinion, the better part of Jesus', or Buddha's teachings, have nothing to do with superstition at all. They aren't even really religious. My opinion.monospaced
    • In my opinion, the idea that morals are unique to religion is pure nonsense.monospaced
    • I just find the actual universe, the one we learn more about all the time, including infinity, to be amazing and humbling, in an almost spiritual way.monospaced
    • You implied as much, and I didn't say that.
      I sense that you're going to get all reactionary at anything I respond with here, so I'm bowing out.
    • Certainly not reactionary, man. I even clarified that it was my opinion about superstition. I shared a thought, you started the arguing. Chillax please.monospaced
    • Go back and read, my friend, we're just having a simple, healthy, discussion, and saying similar things. :)monospaced
    • matter spontaneously comes into existence https://www.scientif… quantum fluctuation for the winimbecile
    • and fuck ben wexler for once again starting shit and blaming his "victim"imbecile
    • dude what is your problem? i didn't start any shit, I was talking about what _niko posted, I didn't say anything antagonisticmonospaced
    • this is at least the 3rd time you've attempted to use my real name here too, and incorrectly I might add, which is super cunty ... why on earth would you do thamonospaced
    • I feel like the universe is amazing, and then he started getting on my case about my views on religion as if I attacked. I don't deserve this kind of response.monospaced
    • I'm literally agreeing with detritus, and he with me, and then you come in and out of nowhere get all weird. You know how fucked up that is? Look in the mirror.monospaced
    • "We are all utterly insignificant in this vast universe, BUT DON'T USE MY REAL NAME"nb
    • But seriously, giving out user's real name while being anonymous yourself is so fucking cowardly.nb
    • not sure how this got here, but I was simply relating to niko, and only niko, in the same fucking vein of thought and feeling as niko ...monospaced
    • you get a comfy 'fuzzy wuzzy' feeling in religion that you don't get from 'enlightment'. Enlightment is a mind blowing feeling.hotroddy
    • i can understand why folks want to snuggle up w jeezus.hotroddy
    • mono loses his shitpinkfloyd
    • ;)pinkfloyd
    • :/monospaced
    • i am justin gum
      ben wexler is a fuckwit
    • love,imbecile
    • it goes fuckwit #1 benfal, #2 ben wexler, #3... trolls, then the rest of us fill in the spaces way below the trollsimbecile
    • Attn imbecile:
      Continuing to dox monospaced is going to result in your banning from QBN. Cease now. This is your only warning.

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