
Out of context: Reply #26908

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  • Ramanisky24

    at 2:40 ... every reporter in that room should tell her to FUCK OFF.

    • She is an absolute disgracekona
    • someone investigate her horrible fashion sense. it's a crime against humanity!!!!dorf
    • I'm still not convinced that she isn't a gigantic high school senior that is about to lose her spot on the debate team.garbage
    • And graduates with a C average.garbage
    • she should be laughed at and ridiculed endlessly for spewing her Supreme Leaders lies on the daily.Ramanisky2
    • Can she please go back to playing left guard for Green Bay?BonSeff
    • Reporter explodes about how their audience has the opportunity to change the channel but disregards journalistic credibility, truth and trust in media.
    • trump's alternative fact machine lecturing people about truth and integrity?lowimpakt
    • "We can lie but you have to be truthful with our lies and not ever be wrong. Make sense?" - Sarah Hkona
    • what a cunt.sofakingback
    • But, like a troll. Why even pander to her bitching? Just keep asking the questions she wants avoid, keep reporting the things they want to hide, truth is theresofakingback
    • Donald Trump ALWAYS cites his sources when he tweets his accusations and actual news. Derp!monospaced
    • and obvious to the American people, to the world actually. They see Trump lie almost everyday. There is no need to fake stories or fake sources...sofakingback
    • He is literally the source of negative news directed at him. He just doesn't like reading that people know he's full of it and don't go along with what he wantssofakingback
    • Trump supporters hate it because they draw attention to the negative things he's doing... but instead they should be upset that he's doing negative things at alsofakingback
    • If Trump had it his way, like other dictators, reporters would be jailed or killed. We're lucky to live in a country were a bad leader can be held accountable.sofakingback
    • I say stay the course, keep hammering away. eventually they will uncover him for what he is, just like nixon. Keep at it, ask questions, dig, push, uncover.sofakingback
    • lol... sorry, was that a joke?
    • no I don't believe he was trying to be humorous you moronmonospaced
    • also, that question which you borrowed from me, word for word, which you failed to address ... you're using it wrong.monospaced
    • @omg also he wasn't even responding to you. I have no idea why you are so desperate to be in the conversation seeing how nobody here takes you seriously.garbage
    • You used to ruffle a few feathers, but now you're just parroting a desperate and yawn-inducing party line.garbage
    • @mono - the idea that television is real and America is owned by a dictator. Stay the course and keep hammering. lol. That's some funny shit.
    • what's funnier is that you couldn't even finish your sentence or thought, and then laughed at your own failed attempt at a jokemonospaced
    • I wasn't trying to pass gas for a joke or anything. I was just busy laughing at the priceless read. I'm sure all the Trump supporters are giggling.
    • this guymonospaced
    • Like I said, trolls like you will get upset and hurt, you'll try to act like everything is fine and make up any BS to agitate people... but who cares. You are..sofakingback
    • losing in the end. All of this shit just proves the criticism is true and your reasoning is discredited. In the end this country will move past this president..sofakingback
    • and people like you will still hate your life and yourself. Just gotta sit back and watch you drown buddy :)sofakingback
    • Hey friend. So impeach Trump, usher in Mike Pence as your supreme overlord for the next 8 yrs and watch all the stupid people who followed you drown along...
    • with Trump supporters. I'm sure the first couple weeks of television might be entertaining at that point. You can celebrate and enjoy life again.
    • ....But then what?
    • These lying slithering cunts lecturing anyone on anything is fucking laughable.BusterBoy
    • She's a fucking lightweight mental midget.BusterBoy
    • Another piece of shit that just got the job because of Daddy.BusterBoy
    • And anonymous sources have been cited in journalism since Adam was a boy. Nothing new you fucking cow.BusterBoy
    • Preachgarbage

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