
Out of context: Reply #26904

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  • Ramanisky24

    • Perhaps the elderly in nursing homes can go work at all the fake coal jobs Trump keeps promising.kona
    • Lol, the fake news keeps wheezing...robotron3k
    • Robo the Comic, outstanding.Ramanisky2
    • Fake coal is the growth industryFax_Benson
    • I like how now I can just say FAKE to anything I don't like and it is the end of the conversation.capn_ron
    • The problem is robo, Kellyanne actually said that. That is one of her actual quotes. The quote below is an actual reply. No fake news here champ.kona
    • #fakeRobo is trendingRamanisky2
    • And the only fake news around coal is Trumps fake ass coal job numbers. lol.

      You are a total waste of time.
    • Awesome. Keep crying about it.
    • #fakeOMG is trendingRamanisky2
    • what's fake? be specific thanksmonospaced
    • Sure you do Cat F, its called the Trump Administration, they're hiringsofakingback
    • No. The trump administration only hires out of touch, swampy as fuck billionaires, preferably with a background at a bailed out bank.monospaced
    • the truth is the cost of medicaid for the elderly only creates a large wealth divide. ppl would be better off reacting to market forces than being screwed
    • subsidized care. fuck 100% death tax when corps beat gov to the punch on public support hope until coffers are dried.
    • how most of the elderly are living that expand cost is not living. let ppl die, let them pass on wealth instead of giviing it to big pharma keeping grandma
    • alive long enough to milk all wealth and pass extra cost on to taxpayers. those people arent living
    • the funny part is most liberals support the policies that increase wealth divides. and they know no better even when told.
    • go back and read what you wrote, because it makes almost no sensemonospaced

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