
Out of context: Reply #26835

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  • BusterBoy2

    I fucking hate Trump with a passion. Absolutely the worst type of person to lead a country. AN absolute cretin.


    Democrats need a new fucking story other than "BUT TRUMP". The more this plays out, the more anti-establishment gravitate towards him, as absolutely stupid as that is. He's more establishment than virtually any President in history.

    I understand many of Trump's disastrous policies are yet to fully kick in...and when they do, he's probably fucked. But Democrats can't rely on him self destructing, or on the Russia investigation.

    They need to fight back with positive policies that drown out this goon. Otherwise, they'll probably dive in the 2018 mid terms and the 2020 general.

    • they need an alternative to the neolib BS being offered up before.fadein11
    • I've said it before, and I'll say it again: as long as you stick to a two-party system in your country, this is the sort of shit you can expect.Continuity
    • There is virtually no distcintion between your two parties (assorted wings of them notwithstanding). So your choices are shit, and more shit.Continuity
    • If you moved to a Westminster system, instead on relying on the French system that was in place in the 18th century, you would open up the playing field to ...Continuity
    • ... more political parties and, thus, a broader spectrum of political ideas.Continuity
    • < 100%sofakingback
    • EXACTLY. This is what I said at the outset of Trump's election and being sworn in. Democrats need to remind people to takemg33
    • stock of their lives and their wallets in the early phase of his administration, and connect with everyone in a way that easily tells themmg33
    • "you might think you dislike dems, but X months, years into a Republican president, how's your money doing? How's your healthcare doing?"mg33
    • They can do that in a broader way that doesn't target Trump, but draws a distinction between Dem / GOP strategies and outcomes.mg33
    • God willing, even the dumbest, most toothless SOB can examine something tangible like that and say "yeah, you know what, I am still poor, or more poor."mg33
    • "Maybe the things I enjoyed before Trump took office are gone because of him and Republicans."mg33
    • I'm sure it's a pipe dream, but one can hope. My point is, Dems need to find a way to speak in simple terms, and connect with people no matter who they are.mg33

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