
Out of context: Reply #26827

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  • CygnusZero46

    Did you guys see his twitter last night? Never saw a more partisan president in my life. He is STILL campaigning! Lol

    He's throwing a self-congratulations party... for what? 2 repubs just barely won 2 deeply red states, that no dem has done better than 30% in in nearly half a century. One of those dems barely being out of diapers lmao. Despite dems losing these states they had no business even competing in is showing that these states are starting to turn, and it's because of Trump!

    He doesnt even realize that he is the reason why dems were so competitive there. This is why we really need an age limit on the presidency. He's very obviously senile. 65 should be the cutoff. Many 70 year olds can barely even drive a car because their brains are deteriorating, just like all muscles do with age. How can a 70 year old run a country like this? Shouldnt be allowed. Hillary was too old too. So is Biden. Need younger people. Obama was in his mid-40s. Thats a good age. Young and energetic, brain is still working well.

    • Agree about the age, you need to have a lot of energy when you run a country. I wish we had a president as in Canada or Francezaq
    • Chelsea Clinton will be turning 40 soon. Perfect age.omg
    • yep - age is a big factor and there prob should be a cutoff - discrimination by age gotta be a repub thing, perhaps that will be his way outfadein11

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