
Out of context: Reply #27

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  • Ianbolton1

    Surely it's obvious why this is happening? Within an age of everything mattering for only minutes or seconds, we need to find relevance or meaning in the things we do in our life. Add weight to our feelings. We're getting to a point where even your sexuality is boring now. And really, why should your sexuality matter to anyone but yourself anyway? We're in an age of privilege, having the time and space to question exactly how we feel, but sadly it allows us to make up new boundaries for things that are possibly not that important. If somebody feels the need to specify their gender, then whatever, but considering how many people take photos of themselves on social media as we enter an even deeper age of narcissism, is all this existential questioning really that relevant? Or is it more of a mental health issue which could lead us into something much darker as we segregate ourselves from each other to find our 'true' identities?

    Just a thought anyway!

    • I agree with the general idea that we all are more self-aware, and self-centered. But beyond that, I wonder if someone changing his/her/their own name, ie...sr_rosa
    • Some would suggest it's civilisation-ending decadence, similar to what the Roman Empire was experiencing in its final couple of centuries.Continuity
    • ...would face reactions about being confused, needing therapy, or trying to impose his/her/their opinion on the rest of us like we've seen in this thread.sr_rosa
    • Being the same fucking point: change the way the rest of us address him/her/them.sr_rosa

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