
Out of context: Reply #65951

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  • freedom0

    What is alkaline water and why do people drink it?

    • It help recharge your iPhoneutopian
    • 1. water that is less acidic.
      2. because they are gullible.
    • just squeeze some lime in your watermoldero
    • or add baking sodaimbecile
    • Throw some active charcoal in there and you're full blown gitfuturefood
    • I know Ramen noodles need it. That is all.Mattjanz3n
    • It blocks zeta particles from indirectly conspiring with the indigo molecules in your blood to prevent a condition known as 'Walken's Lament'.face_melter
    • What if I want Walken's Lament?garbage
    • That is entirely your choice, but be prepared for intestinal velocity, inflamation of the fingernails and 'tubes'.face_melter
    • Twat's drink.
      Because they're twats.
    • lol imagine still being one of those inbred cunts who calls people twats for taking control of their own health.set
    • Yep baking soda or lemon does the trick. It helps balance the ph level of your blood, which in this age of acidic based diet - is not a bad thing.set
    • Coca cola is the true twat's drink, let's be honest.set
    • @set there's a difference between making health choices based on actual studies vs pseudo science fads.dorf
    • Prove yourself... I dare youset
      blood ph is strictly regulated by the liver, kidneys and lungs independent of nutrition.
    • Studies funded by the corporations that make billions from cancer caused by acidic environment and lack of oxygen.set
    • Your suggesting that diet has no effect on liver and kidney function which is outright stupid. Like saying oxygen has no effect on ph, just the lungs.set
    • You'reset
    • What exactly do you think the liver and kidneys are processing?set
    • Yourmonospaced
    • You'remonospaced
    • diet has no effect on blood ph because it needs to be kept in a certain range. otherwise, you would get acidosis and die. that's what I meant.dorf
    • whether it's good to eat acidic foods, etc. is a different topic.dorf
    • No it isn't...set

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