
Out of context: Reply #65938

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  • fourth1

    Karma/asshole client story.

    I helped my friend launch her business around 9 years ago. Did all her branding, identity and design. When she wanted to take it online I setup a CMS and designed a site for her. I also helped photograph and add inventory to the site for a long time afterward. Pretty much did all of that at cost or free.

    Well she sold the business a year ago but is helping with the transition for a couple years before she walks away completely. The new owner ended up being a dick and fucked me over by stopping a project we agreed upon and not paying me. I took it as a lesson because I started the work without him signing the contract (big mistake I know). He told me he was going to do the site himself in Shopify despite having no design sense or knowledge on site domain, hosting, or technical know how. Ok fine you do that.

    I let it all go because I have real clients and didn't want to interfere with my friend. Well turns out he never figured out Shopify and cancelled the original CMS without realizing that it was going to tank the site. So the site is toast and the trail leads him to me because I am the original domain registrar and have paid all registration fees for the past 7 years. He sent me passive aggressive emails/voicemails yesterday and even went as far as contacting 1and1 trying to gain access to my account and/or transfer the domain to himself.

    See where this is going? According to my friend the actual domain was never listed in her contract to sell to him. Basically I got the guy by his balls now.

    • hahaha.. and *twist*detritus
    • and she's quitting this week and told me to do whatever I want with the situation. muahahahahafourth
    • lease it to him. months payments, or annual for a wee discountGnash
    • just ignore him...oey
    • Should be worth at least $25,000 to him, easy. Right?monospaced
    • Did you ever see a penny off of the work you did? It was all good will?bklyndroobeki
    • Sounds like he isn't worth the trouble.bklyndroobeki
    • Treat others as you would have yourself treated.robthelad
    • ..after they've tried treating you like a dick?detritus
    • squeeeeeeezeautoflavour

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