
Out of context: Reply #26537

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  • yuekit3

    • This is who gets to make decisions on the future of humanity...and some of you think this is a smart and good thing lmaoyuekit
    • Don't forget the senator that brought a snowball into the house to explain away global warming. That's the level we're dealing with here.monoboy
    • I'm no trump supporter but what exactly is wrong about what he's saying here? Climate change is happening at similar rates on all planets in our solar system...set
    • The lie that humans are responsible is financially motivated, like he says. Good isn't to say we don't need to sort our act out and stop polluting the planet.set
    • That isn't to say*set
    • If the governments involved really gave a shit about the planet instead of money then we'd have Nicola Tesla inspired free every by now and wouldn't useset
    • fossil fuels or plastic at all.set
    • Energy* instead they shut any and all attempts at sustainable energy down and want to tax you on the energy they sell you.set
    • Yet you all shout BUT ETHICS and side with them. Sad and embarrassingset
    • "they shut any and all attempts at sustainable energy down" this is clearly not true but safely transitioning energy systems is complexlowimpakt
    • The amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere affect the climate. That is very basic and uncontroversial science and something that is also observed onyuekit
    • You're right. I didn't really mean sustainable, I meant non profitable.set
    • other planets. So why is it so hard to believe that billions of humans, driving cars and pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere at record levels, could beyuekit
    • contributing to the planet heating up?yuekit
    • Looked into the other planets heating at the same rate thing BTW -- seems not to be true based on what I am seeing.yuekit
    • Anyway, what is wrong with what he is saying...even if you don't believe in climate change for whatever reason Trump seems to be coming at it from a place ofyuekit
    • complete ignorance. It's cold in New York so climate change is fake? lol. Or the China thing which he apparently just made up out of nowhere.yuekit
    • I won't argue with you that Trump is apparently generally a complete idiot. I also won't do your research for you but here's an instant link -set
    • http://news.national…set
    • You only have to look at the behaviour of the sun in the last 30 years compared to the last 200 to see that things are changing on a system wide levelset
    • No doubt we need to sort our act out as we are completely fucking up our planet, no one can deny that.set
    • ....but charging for plastic bags and taxing fuel usage is not the answer.set
    • I'm sure the sun does affect the heat of the planet to some degree, but I don't see how that disproves man made climate change.yuekit
    • It's kind of like when people say "the climate has always changed"...of course it has but that doesn't mean we aren't causing it now or that it won't be ayuekit
    • lol ... you link to an article 10 years old and ironically enough if you go to the Nat Geo homepage .... http://www.nationalg…Bluejam
    • The worlds top experts do not believe the suns activity is responsible though. These aren't all corrupted scientists either, they simply care about the world.monospaced
    • complete disaster. Even a small change can have a huge effect in terms of food shortages, flooding, conflicts, migration.yuekit
    • It's pretty far fetched to think that the entire science community, the leaders of over 100 nations, and climate change experts are all in on some massive hoaxmonospaced
    • It would be completely uncontroversial if it wasn't for the economic implications which is why these conspiracy theories exist in the first place.yuekit
    • It's well documented that the oil industry has pumped hundreds of millions into disinformation campaigns to raise doubts...there's your conspiracy.yuekit
    • 10 years isn't really much when we're talking about the suns activity, is it bluejam... ? What's your point exaclty...set
    • Denying the science of man-made climate impact is a huge business.monospaced
    • I just linked to a nice mainstream source that tells you the ice is melting on other planets in a similar rate as ours.set
    • 100 nations only give a shit about climate change when they can make money from it.set
    • Tax us more on the items they sell us that are causing the problem. BUT ETHICSset
    • So the agreement makes those 100+ nations money, but taxes only the US? C'mon. It actually promotes business and jobs in those sectors.monospaced
    • You have it exactly backwards...it's actually very difficult and not profitable to move to new energy sources.yuekit
    • The money and political incentives are all on the side of keeping the oil pumping. That's why it took years of negotiations to reach even this voluntary deal...yuekit
    • Who said anything about taxing only the US?set
    • Energy should be free and clean.
      Could be free and clean.
    • It's just another classic case of trying to treat the symptom rather than fixing the cause.set
    • What's wrong with paying or sacrificing a little to not destroy the planet?yuekit
    • Of course yuekit, that's the point. They have the whole planet by the balls because of oil, when they know full well there are better, cleaner, cheaper options.set
    • - but non profitable.set
    • You mentioned plastic bags...maybe you think climate change is made up but the effects of plastic trash should be pretty obvious. Why is that unreasonable?yuekit
    • ideally the move towards clean energy should have no money-strings attached. that it does doesn't mean it's a stitch-up or a hoax.Fax_Benson
    • Climate change is undeniably real, I didn't say that for a second. I also said TWICE that obviously we need to sort our act out and stop destroying the planetset
    • Do you even read my comments?set
    • There is a wealth of information and testimony out there of people making headway with free energy and it being sabotagedset
    • OBVIOUSLY the people that have the whole planet to ransom with fossil fuel would do everything within their grasp to hold on to that powerset
    • anyway, where's set?Fax_Benson
    • set, you said that the Agreement is a tax on the US, but then you said othe nations like it because it makes money ... so are you implying it only taxes the US?monospaced
    • I'm just saying that as usual people are focusing on bullshit symptoms rather than the case, the real issueset
    • The agreement can't be profitable to all countries except the US. And 95%+ of all experts on the matter can't all be delusional. They are focusing on the issue.monospaced
    • Mono, I didn't say either of the things you just said I did....?set
    • You seem to be completely missing my point and attributing other imaginary points to me. Bizarre...set
    • You did, actually. I see your point, but I simply disagree.monospaced
    • I'm sorry if I misunderstood. You said "100 nations only give a shit about climate change when they can make money from it" ...monospaced
    • and I THOUGHT you were arguing also that the Agreement is just a tax on nations. I felt it was contradictory. Apologies if I misunderstood.monospaced
    • Trump seems to think the Agreement was costing the US a ton and that pulling out would save $. But you're implying other nations are profiting from it. Oh well.monospaced
    • I meant the tax receivers,the state of each country, taxes its citizens...?set
    • I said nothing about the USset
    • This agreement isn't adding any taxes though. It's saying countries should coordinate together to reduce use of oil and fossil fuels.yuekit
    • sadly I don't see how it's possible to completely uncouple green tech / clean energy etc from money. In fact ROI is an essential componentFax_Benson
    • So if it profits nations and betters the climate, then why would Trump want out? If it promotes new business and jobs, why would he declare it a bad deal?monospaced
    • If the paris agreement doesn't end up bringing in further taxes, yuekit, then I shall eat my keyboard.set
    • I'm, again with Set on this. This will all be about more taxes and costs, with very little impact on the real world.mugwart
    • It really has nothing at all to do with taxes. If an individual country wants to tax pollution that's up to them, but wouldn't be part of an internationalyuekit
    • agreement like this. What this is really about is synchronizing the move to renewables. If countries do it together then it has a chance to work.yuekit
    • Well, despite the administration's decision to withdraw, most companies invested in the Agreement are ignoring it and will proceed accordingly. Fuck Trump.monospaced

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