
Out of context: Reply #26525

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  • yuekit5

    Out of all the things Trump has done this has to be the worst (second worst would be killing off net neutrality). The idea that the entire world can work for decades on a plan and then one ignorant old guy who can barely type out a complete sentence on his phone comes in and blows it up is pretty hard to fathom.

    • he has the help of mitch mcconnell & paul ryan; two more people that need to get out of public servant sector.plash
    • It certainly solidified America as one big joke that cares about nothing but it's own asshole.formed
    • Ideally the world moves on without the US. The more it gets left behind the more need there will be to change Americans stupid outlook.sofakingback
    • Unfortunately, I think the US needs to struggle to learn or else it will never change.sofakingback
    • This fucker couldn't pass a GCSE yet he's the leader of the 'free' world.monoboy
    • I thought May cut off internet neutrality. Worlds gone barmy!mugwart

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