
Out of context: Reply #65857

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  • face_melter2

    Second week of my kayaking course and we went out into the open water to tool around a bit. Been waiting since forever for it to start after my friends took me out late last year. I knew the basics from them, but having someone tell you about the small things like how to properly pull the paddle through the water and what to correct makes a big difference and all the more satisfying when it clicks (not that my friends are lousy, far from it - one is probably competition level and the other has paddled for years).

    Today we were out and it started to pish down, really heavy rain. Didn't care. A great feeling to speed through the water and just enjoy the moment. Shoulders are beginning to hurt like fuck though - so my technique and positioning are improving, whereas last week my legs were bastards because I was tensing too much trying to compensate for the wobble. Now i'm more used to it, didn't give my balance a second thought. I've done running and whatnot, but I think I may have found my thing with this. Final class next week, then I get to become a proper member and able to take the kayak out whenever I wish. Woo and, if you will, yay!

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