
Out of context: Reply #65532

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  • detritus0

    Well that was fun. Seeing a reflection of myself I realised I was long-overdue a beard trim and seeing as I had a client popping for a meeting in 15 minutes, I thought I'd give myself a quick once-over with an electric trimmer.

    All was going well, and then did a bit under my jaw and as I did so heard a strange plastic-sounding noise at my feet.

    The length-dictating widget had fallen off, so I had just made quite a neat, very-closely shaved rectangle right in the middle of my otherwise not very-closely shaved beard.


    I then spend the next 10 minutes trying desperately to work out how to compensate for this, back and forthing until I now look like a 90s or Amish interperetation of d'Artagnan.

    I hear a knock at the door, throw myself across the room and open it, and then have an awkward meeting where I'm pretty damn sure he's just staring at my red-raw weirdie beardie.


    • I only brought the bloody shaver to work because I keep forgetting to do it at home.detritus
    • i was bassist for red-raw weirdie beardiescarabin
    • hahah, vey güt!detritus
    • Pic or it didn't happen.pango

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