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Out of context: Reply #3064

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  • face_melter2

    Well, fuck me with a Moblin dildo - I ordered the Switch yesterday, around 11am, and it was delivered and ready for collection today. Picked it up after work.

    Just played Zelda for 10 minutes or so just to get a feel for it and... I swear to almighty fucking god, in those opening 10-15 minutes or so I experienced more wonderment and joy than 10+ hours of Horizon. The effortless grace with which everything is done - the low key button prompts, the music, the art. You exit the opening area, into the great wild and it's all there. The entire world - no cutscene, no obnoxious orchestral dirge - only birdsong and wind in the trees. With only a slight nudge to tell you were to go on the map, you start your adventure.

    But you don't. You turn around and explore and discover for yourself - because you can. I climbed a bluff and watched some squirrels lark about a bit, picked up some branches and mushrooms and then encountered a trio of Bokoblin - with no prompts to tell me how to use weapons, no tutorial messages about combos, only the feeling of accomplishment. It is very telling that the options give you a Pro Mode for the HUD, which turns everything off apart from your hearts.

    The game, from the ground up, is designed to be explored - to be understood, to be experimented with. Being a Zelda game, you have to save the world, obvs. But for now, that can wait because I saw a couple of mountains in the distance that look cool and I want to see what they look like.

    Cygnus wasn't bullshitting in his earlier posts - this game is legit.

    • Glad youre enjoying it. See you in about 100 hours. LolCygnusZero4
    • I actually just beat it a couple days ago. Took me 90 hours and still didnt complete nearly everything. Not even close.CygnusZero4
    • Its funny that youre excited about what youre seeing now. Just wait. The game keeps on delivering the surprises.CygnusZero4
    • Wait til you discover all the little things that can happen in the gameplay that you couldnt have possibly seen yet. Plus all the various locations in the worldCygnusZero4
    • It's just a blessed relief after the boredom sandwich that is Horizon. I really, really, tried to like it but it's just all so mediocre.face_melter
    • In hindsight, I probably should have written that nonsense about Horizon instead of Mass Effect - which I know, despite its failings, I would enjoy :/face_melter

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