
Out of context: Reply #24916

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  • oey0

    I know I will get downvoted for this but I have to say it:

    I 'm still not sure if I believe that the Milo guy was defending Pedophilia in general.

    It also makes me think in how correctly the Press handled the case.

    But I'm very sure I adored what happened.

    • Both he and Breitbart stated that this was coordinated for maximum impact on his reputation and those around him, and that is almost certainly true.BuddhaHat
    • Much like James Comes re: Clinton prior to the election. Regardless of the content, it had the desired effect. So fuck that guy, he's a piece of shit either wayBuddhaHat
    • Comey*BuddhaHat
    • Assassinating someones character to take down their political opponents is a very authoritarian strategy that will backfire.IRNlun6
    • I'm sure it's very cathartic for the left and its media cohorts to slander and vilify everyone on the right but it's a losing strategy.IRNlun6
    • It was the right that dumped him after he assassinated his own character by justifying intimate relationships between adults and minors.Fax_Benson
    • but feel free to spin itFax_Benson
    • IRNIun6 as I stated in my first response, that's exactly what the GOP did with Hillary Clinton, so your entire point is moot, and somewhat hypocritical.BuddhaHat
    • And as Fax_B pointed out, the left didn't tell him to say such things about relationships between adults & children, nor learning to give head from a priest.BuddhaHat
    • And if you're thinking of mentioning Clinton's private email server, FYI Trump is running one now, and nobody in the GOP seems to have a problem with it.BuddhaHat
    • The age of consent in European culture is much lower than US. While Mexico is ridiculously lower, 13 and 14 is normal, compared to the 16-18 norm in the US.omg
    • Nobody really gives a shit about the "star writer" from a bullshit news company anyway.monospaced
    • My point is not in defending Milo, it's the practice of silencing/non-platfo... political opponents.IRNlun6
    • The FBI director updating congress on an active investigation, whether it was politically motivated or not, is different.IRNlun6
    • From Flynn to Milo, and silencing internet superstars Milo to PewDiePie dripping off the edges of YouTube and Twitter. MSM trying to control things.omg
    • I do wonder what is it about Milo that triggers these organizations? Why did big media organize to take this guy down?IRNlun6
    • Not really about pedophilia since there's people on the left that have said pretty much the same thing he has, so it's likely more about politics.IRNlun6
    • ... or protecting their brandscarabin
    • And if it is about politics, why not wait until after his CPAC speech and hold it against republicans/conserva...IRNlun6
    • he's a vacuous bully who says pretty conventionally outrageous things in order to boost his fame. People have always tried to cut his type down to size.Fax_Benson
    • it's not about politics. He's got literally nothing interesting to say about politics.Fax_Benson
    • Except standing on the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. Much of his controversial talks dealt with many issues people too scared to talk about.omg
    • There's a video floating around of George Takei saying pretty much the same thing as Milo. Should CNN spend the day destroying his career?IRNlun6
    • George Takei- Skip to 2:20 for Takei's damning comment:
    • What career? It's not a political takedown. He's apolitical. It's a personal takedown because he's a wrongun.Fax_Benson
    • The left thought they took Milo down with this "scandal,' but in reality, this story introduced him to millions and built him up BIG time.chukkaphob
    • Uhhhhhh. Bringing up consent ages in Europe has nothing to do with being molested by a catholic Priest. What is wrong with you omg? Justifying pedophilia?monospaced
    • Also the left is just laughing. His own party took him down and he staged a press conference about it. That is some nerve pinning this on liberals.monospaced
    • Don't confuse wide exposure with positive acclaim. That's what Trump does and it makes him look like a fucking idiot. You're not that stupid.monospaced
    • who mentioned positive acclaim? his own party took him down? say what? what are you talking about, dude? "not that stupid"... easy there, smart guy. LOL!chukkaphob
    • chukkkaphob, mono is right. Conservatives are the ones who brought up this whole pedophile issue. A lot of them didn't like the idea of him speaking at CPAC.yuekit
    • CPAC historically has had issues even with more "traditional" gay conservatives, so having this guy speak was probably a bridge too far for some people.yuekit
    • Then he was dropped by his conservative publishing company and fired by Breitbart. So yeah you can't really blame this one on the left at all.yuekit
    • @mono - I was simply differentiating between molestation and consensual sex. Which you've confusingly mixed up.omg
    • @yuekit that's not the case. The left exposed the statements he made in a video from a year ago and spun it into a pedophile case.chukkaphob
    • The publishing house dropped the deal when the "scandal" broke out; they weren't looking for a reason to drop him.chukkaphob
    • And Breitbart didn't fire him or look for reasons to do so; Milo resigned on his own.chukkaphob
    • You can blame the MSM left for pandering and signaling anything Trumpian as hate forcing the right to avoid a crisis.omg
    • @chukka http://www.chicagotr…yuekit
    • "The Twitter account for the conservative blog Reagan Battalion, which had been tweeting and re-tweeting criticism of CPAC's invitation to Yiannopoulos, tweetsyuekit
    • a link to a video interview between Yiannopoulos and Joe Rogan, saying that it shows him "defend [ing] pedophilia and pedophiles."yuekit
    • thanks, i'll read later when i have some timechukkaphob
    • That's what started the whole controversy. It makes sense if you think about it...if you are a religious social conservative you would not want this guyyuekit
    • representing you.yuekit
    • Any un-consented sex with an underage is child abuse. Makes you wonder if self-defense is legal or not.omg
    • If the Global Catholic Church came out as religious conservatives, Milo could be seen more as a progressive conservative.omg
    • @omg, are you saying that Milo had consensual sex with a catholic priest as a teenager and therefore it's somehow acceptable?monospaced
    • I'm not confusing the two, btw.monospaced
    • It sounds like you're saying it's okay for a priest to have sex with a minor if the minor was consenting. That sounds like the justification of pedophilia to memonospaced
    • Anyway, it was the alt-right and conservatives that lost their shit over it and fired him. Don't forget that.monospaced
    • defining ≠ justifying. just grab a dictionary.omg
    • you said molestation has nothing to do with consent laws but it does. It's the difference between child rape/molestation and pedophilia.omg
    • but please, don't insist that I'm building an entire platform on top of it. It's not something I plan on taking to the streets.omg

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