
Out of context: Reply #24071

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  • moldero3


    Seeing how shit's been going, I wouldn't be surprised if it was setup by republitards to get all our names on a list n shit.

    • no offense, but good luck with that process. the economy is going to be flying high and no one is going to care about his antics. DEREGULATION!vero_vandal
    • You have no idea Yuri, your dumbass orange president is an isolationist that wants to jack up import duties and start a trade war with China. Idiot troll.BuddhaHat
    • He wants to let the leash off domestic oil production, flood the market and drop prices below profitable levels, and destroy the environment for a laugh.BuddhaHat
    • Enjoy drinking your tainted tap water Yuri, you're a sap; a patsy; a stooge; and a giant fucking troll. Go fuck yourself.BuddhaHat
    • Remember the '07-08 GFC? That was a direct result of deregulation. Millions lost their homes. Yuri, the Self-Destructive Fucktard Troll.BuddhaHat
    • well done and well said Buddha.hobgoblin

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