
Out of context: Reply #23909

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  • BuddhaHat4

    ^ This faulty line of questioning falls over from the outset. A fairer comparison might be: Prior to Obama's inauguration, how much uproar was there regarding his lack of temperament for the job? What about concern about his intelligence, and his commensurate ability to fulfil the tasks required of him? What was his history of shady political or business dealings prior to taking office? And how do the answers to those questions compare to the lead-up to Trump's inauguration?

    First of all, nobody is disputing Obama's military record. He has been extremely aggressive with drone strikes and military actions in the Middle East. He didn't close Gitmo. He didn't send Wall St bankers to jail after the GFC (one of the biggest failings of his time as President, imo).

    However, the question either ignores or takes advantage of the fact that until his swearing in, Trump has held no government position of any kind in his entire life. The domain in which he did operate, business and real estate, suffered massively at his hands instead. Numerous bankruptcies, unpaid workers, sexually harassed employees, failed businesses, ripping off the uneducated with sham universities.

    On the campaign trail, he was perpetually lying. I'm sure the media has lost count of the number, and the scale of his lies.
    - His control over the English language is so poor that French translators are having a difficult time translating what he says for their readers.
    - He wanted to roll military trucks through D.C. as part of his election parade, as a show of military might (Pyongyang? Beijing? USSR?)
    - His press secretary's first statement was to scold the media for 'lying' about the turnout at his inauguration, illustrating how incredibly narcissistic and petty the new President is, and will continue to be.
    - He has made countless ad hominem attacks on people who have said things about him that he didn't like, that were based on evidence.
    - At his speech to the CIA, after stating the the US should have 'kept the oil', he told them not to worry, because they might get another chance at it, hinting at further/increased military actions in the Middle East.
    - He starts his presidency with the lowest trust levels, and the lowest popularity ratings in recent history, possibly for all time, I'm not sure on the last bit. Maybe Nixon was worse?
    - All mentions of LGBTQ policy, and environmental policy was removed from the whitehouse.gov website at exactly midday when he took office.

    Trump takes office with the GOP holding control of the Senate, and the House. Countless military hawks with concerning and factually questionable positions on Iran and other countries in the Middle East will now be unchecked in ramping up possible military aggression abroad.

    Set, your question was framed in such a way to make the answer irrelevant. And you're seemingly not concerned about any of the points listed above, and why they might concern people about Trump's suitability for the highest office in the world.

    As for Trump's death count after 4, or maybe 8 years in office? Sadly, we'll just have to wait and see.

    • I completely agree. Yet I constantly see people sad that Obama is leaving and people constantly vilifying Trump...set
    • When the fact is that he's simply a man who has said some things they disagree with, compared to a man who is accountable for thousands upon thousands of deathsset
    • People judge a man, a politician, by his character, not his actions, and that's a scary thing.set
    • 'he's simply a man who has said some things they disagree with' is a gross over-simplification of the issues at hand, in my opinion.BuddhaHat
    • What else has he done?set
    • I'll refer you to my original answer on that one, set.BuddhaHat
    • The question you asked above couldn't be adequately responded to in comment boxes, hence the long-form response to the left.BuddhaHat
    • Well I appreciate your intelligent input, thank you .set
    • I like how you added a point of Trump's 0 death count in the last sentence. Nice touch.robotron3k
    • Everyone here except you and maybe a couple of others know how stupid and pointless your comment is, robo. Run along now.BuddhaHat
    • @set - let's just wait to see how many people Trump kills before we say Obama was worse. You are making similar assumptions about a man you know little about.fadein11
    • I hope you are right. But I would have expected you to understand that presidents don't really decide US foreign policy, "puppets" as you have often said.fadein11
    • If Trump makes any attempt to change that he won't be alive for v.long.fadein11
    • I never said trump will be any different. Unfortunately I don't think he will.set
    • set give American voters some credit...they are not against Trump just because he "said some things they disagree with," that's pretty condescending.qoob
    • Trump and the Republicans are going to transform American society in a much more conservative direction...makes sense that many people would be against this.qoob
    • It would be like saying in 1979 Margaret Thatcher just said some things people disagree with.qoob
    • Most people I've spoken to over here know nothing of his policies, they simply hate him because he said pussy and called immigrants rapistsset
    • They hate him for no reason other than the media persuading them to hate him. It's embarrassingset
    • @set - how can the media persuade anyone simply by repeating audio of what a man says. He said these things, media just played it over and overwhatthefunk
    • I could understand if media posted blatant lies but he literally said these things on audio/video and media just plays it and people deny he said these things..whatthefunk
    • set most people here hate him for his decades of being himself, in pop culture and for what he actually says and does ... we aren't brainwashed by mediamonospaced
    • He said a lot of very specific things during the campaign too...for instance, build a giant wall on the Mexican border,qoob
    • ban all Muslim people from entering the country, bring back torture and waterboarding, expand the death penalty, "take the oil" from Iraq.qoob
    • None of that is made up by media...it's Trump saying what he's going to do when in power. People react negatively to that, and then you say brainwashed?qoob
    • For starters.monospaced
    • Leave it to liberals for campaigning for weak border protection and a solid immigration policy. They're better at cuddling terrorist values than American ones.omg
    • @qoob - well said mate. the whole blame the media thing is wearing v.thin now... bullshit.fadein11
    • The media is the only way most people have ever perceived him. If you don't think that perception can be nudged in one way or another then you're a fool...set
    • The sheer hatred for him has most certainly been encouraged by mainstream media.set
    • The rhetoric that Trump is the devil and Obama is a saint is rather worrying. People clap and praise Obama and cry when he left office...set
    • ...Yet if that war mongering tyrant was on the opposition, the media could spin it that way effortlessly and most of the country would lap it up and despise himset
    • and yet, people like you are claiming that they know and understand him in some other way than the media has portrayed him, and that seems crazymonospaced
    • I have notset

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