
Out of context: Reply #23749

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  • CygnusZero42

    Black Friday. RIP to america and the middle class as trumps support of trickle down economics, which is only proven to make the rich richer, faceplants them into the ground. Really no surprise his entire crooked kkkabinet is filled with wealthy campaign donors (pay for play) who have 0 qualifications for these jobs, wall street/oil execs (the very thing he accused hillary of)... the only people that will benefit from a Trump presidency.

    These gullible morons that put this fool in the white house are going to be begging for a new president in a year. And around and around we go...

    • < exactly why he won, you pretend to understand voters, when you really don't. meanwhile, you've been following the DC entrenched for decades. LMFAO.vero_vandal
    • Seems like that's all you can respond with. No it's not why he won it's just a general shared sentiment and observation by the majority of people.monospaced
    • It's actually much much closer to the reason he nearly lost than why he won. It's also an accurate description of what is happening.monospaced
    • Yeah it seems like people must be stupid to have elected a guy that is going back on everything he preached. It seems crazy and I know you agree.monospaced
    • Only two states are upset by his election New York and California, everyone is happy about Trump being elected. Including much of the planet.robotron3k
    • He won on a platform of dump the DC politically entrenched on both sides and why not? Whether he does it or not, who knows. Give him some time FFS.vero_vandal
    • 'including much of the planet' = is utter shit. Who told you that? Alex Jones?BuddhaHat
    • The USA is NOT NYC, CALI and CHI. FFS! It was the wrath of the forgotten that got him elected. The GOP and Dems have to watch what they've created.vero_vandal
    • fact is less than half of all voters are thrilled about this ... and it's not necessarily great that Russia is thrilled.monospaced
    • ^ meh... what more data from polls? That's half the problem. How'd those pollsters work out for the Dems?vero_vandal
    • People like Trump, don't believe what you read. They are happy hope is gone and change is here. Again, polls are dead wrong.robotron3k
    • mono, buddha, kona, sted, moldy, cygnus, now don't go around being intolerant, judgmental and violent toward Trump supporters.robotron3k
    • ^ wouldn't that go against the "liberal" creed, which is supposed to preach tolerance on any level? hmmmmmvero_vandal
    • watch so much liberal violence today, its going to be disgusting...robotron3k
    • It's unlikely any of us would. Judges are particularly harsh with cases of violence against the mentally handicapped.BuddhaHat
    • Much of the planet is laughing up their fucking sleeves.face_melter
    • nobody's being intolerant or violent ... but judging someone based on their actual behaviors as deemed fit for the position is exactly what is expectedmonospaced
    • which is why it seems utterly ridiculous , and yes STUPID, that people would support Trump's cabinet picks and his behaviorsmonospaced
    • you said it yourself, he acts like a 3rd grader a lot of the time ... that's judge-worthy for a president, and rightly so.monospaced
    • he does act like a 3rd grader at times. that's a fact. no need for that BS.vero_vandal

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