Logo Pricing

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • oey0

    I asked for 500€ last time.

    - Present two or three ideas
    - Develop one after meeting with client
    - Present the development of that idea
    - Retouching after feedback

    - Deliver Logo in all files and sizes necessary in color, b&w, negative, monochrome...

    One month to two months of work.
    (20 till 30 hours effective work hopefully max without counting meetings time, phone calls, time reading and sending emails...)

    They refused...LOL!

    I would ask for 500€ up for basic stationary.

    • I might refresh a logo at that price but there's no way you're getting a decent hourly rate at only 500.monospaced
    • Yeah, I am figuring about a 0 added to that.
      But logo pricing is tough, cheap f*er's everywhere!
    • Believe me, I asked several times far more when stationary was included. last time I asked for 6000€ for a 9 month period of work.oey
    • The company was developing and things needed time from their side, etc...oey
    • I would take care of the company's image. Everything. And in this time I would basically work for them.oey
    • I would have some time left for other stuff but...oey
    • They refused, that it was too unrealistic. And asked if they could counter propose...till today, like 9 years later.oey
    • I replied them listen, you'll have a designer exclusively working for you for 660€ a month.oey
    • any of them was receiving more money. then I proposed you hire me in this job program and the unemployment center pays half of my salary and you the other half.oey
    • that would be 450€ from their side. they refused!!! after years of stories like this I opted out from Portugal and went to wash dishes and paint graffiti...oey
    • ...to Amsterdam.oey
    • this to say, I do not intend to be a cheap fucker, I don't want to work for baked beans and I certainly don't want to be known for being cheap.oey
    • I just lost 400€ last month cause I invited someone to paint a room in a youth center and he wanted to receive 200€ less. Even the client laughed of the price.oey
    • I really regret that cause would I have not invited him I would have received his part and have asked for more from the start.oey
    • Never again. 3 days painting for 400€...cause some dude was afraid to lose a client...who said from the beginning that money was not a problem.oey

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