
Out of context: Reply #64830

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  • shellie2

    My sister works at a store that was robbed on Friday night after closing. They didn't wear any masks and we're caught on camera. I don't think it will take long for the cops to solve this one. It's 2016, don't people realize there are cameras just about everywhere now? I'm no professional theif but i'd definately cover the license plate and wear a mask before entering the parking lot if i was. What kind of sloppy operation were they running. When things like that don't make sense to me, i automatically assume drugs were involved.

    • fuck thieves,
      I'm happy your sis is alright,
      fuck thieves,
    • The theives must have steaked out the place. It happened maybe 20 mins after everyone left. But desperate people scare me for sure.shellie
    • Speaking of, i read this guy got caught trying to return stolen shoes this weekend in LA. They found out he stole $30,000 of stolen goods. Lordy!shellie

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