
Out of context: Reply #23054

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  • fadein11-1

    Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy


    • fadein11, let me give you a secret, just stop posting in this thread, step out and enjoy watching the democratic party implode. When you rather play identityGeorgesII
    • politics, name calling anyone who disagree with (while playing the victim), excuse any act of violence as long as it's not comitted by a white heterosexua lmaleGeorgesII
    • call a dicator a great leader while not even giving a chance to a great leader by calling him a dictator, if 2016 has proven one thing, is that groupthink canGeorgesII
    • be annihilated, let them enjoy their echo chamber while we remake the world around them, They don't even realize that no matter the scenario they push forGeorgesII
    • revolution, they will lose, the army isn't with them, the police isn't with them, they do not possess nor like guns, they believe fee fees is more importantGeorgesII
    • than feeding your family, having a job or feeling safe. They are lost, they have lost and will keep on losing, let them at least have this echo chamberGeorgesII
    • btw: the same people that have been constantly wrong this past year, are now telling me they know everything that made the "right" win, fuckn lolGeorgesII
    • don't know if I agree that PC 100% blameless, but it's well written and does point out the MASSIVE hypocrisy of the anti-PC mindset.Fax_Benson
    • and comments like Georges'Fax_Benson
    • Georges, are you happy Trump made it to president as I could never tell if you were mucking about.Ianbolton
    • stop fuckn projecting ffs, calling me an hypocrites is pretty funny, coming from people who do not accept democratic votesGeorgesII
    • Maybe happy is the wrong term. Maybe it was obvious all along that this is how the game was always going to be playedIanbolton
    • Ohhh shit, I remember why I don't talk politics with people who don't understand it. Keep on projecting and passing the blame to anyone than yourselvesGeorgesII
    • at ian, I have learned a long time ago to double check, tripple check what the media say, especially those I trust, but this year people have collectively lostGeorgesII
    • their fuckn mind, it's like nuance left America in 2014, it's almost funny to see the double standard the "left" goes by. Anything is fine as long as it's makesGeorgesII
    • you feel like you won some battle, 3 weeks from the election and the people in this thread keep on pushing the same resaon why they lost in the first placeGeorgesII
    • and that reason is quite easy to understand, the left is totally disconnected from the reality that a majority of people experienc, yt they still won't acceptGeorgesII
    • example, as a conspiracy theorist, I've never read so much BS passing for news, yet those same news people are now crying that anyone else is fake news, wtfGeorgesII
    • People? It was me. Always you against the world. Nobody else gets it.Fax_Benson
    • a few month ago, I think I realized that Trump couldn't lose so I gave up shitposting here and went back to making my life greater, making tons of money, preparGeorgesII
    • Anyone who questions is the 'Left' in denial. One homogeneous lump. Too blind to engage with.Fax_Benson
    • preparing myself to move to the US of A, yet 3 weeks later, you guys are still not grasping it, it's amazing, it's right in front of your eyes, right fuckn therGeorgesII
    • Troll post way more successful than expected. Totally agree Georges. Lets accept worse because better fucked up. You ridiculous numptyfadein11
    • fax, stop playing the smart ass, I could point at the moon and you'd still try to suck my finger, nobody really cares anymore what you guys think anymoreGeorgesII
    • because everyone is a sexist, racist, bigot, xenophobe, islamophobe, hypocrite, we are currently rearranging the world around you while you push your kiddie fitGeorgesII
    • I generally agreed with you from the start. Not that you'd fucking notice. If you think somebody isn't 'getting it' you shut down the conversationFax_Benson
    • hence my 'hypocrisy' comment re political correctness shutting down debateFax_Benson
    • So, the left have almost allowed themselves to be carried from birth to grave. Building politicals structures to allow infantilist narratives to succeed?Ianbolton
    • @georges. Word of advice numpty. Don't tell me where to post. You didn't post in here for months cuz you spewed the same bs omg and yuritard didfadein11
    • @Georges
      For me it was always irrelevant wether you supported Trump or not. Your arguments were about why he was going to win and not why he should win.
    • Jog on you sanctimonious prickfadein11
    • You had pretty good arguments but nobody was really reading them. I understand the frustation.ORAZAL
    • you should put 'no sense of irony' on your visa application.Fax_Benson
    • ORAZAL got it right, Georges is ranting about Trump winning, while disregarding the implications of the victory, of 'remaking the world around them'BuddhaHat
    • the other posts in the last few pages show the character of the people Trump is installing around him, & each nomination shows his populist candidacy was a lieBuddhaHat
    • Georges2k20 - HOPE in consumer gadgetsfadein11
    • Worse than sheep. Sheep don't herd themselves.set
    • Exactly set. Exactlyfadein11
    • common sense and decency has failed so bin 50 years of progress and get behind the nutjobsfadein11
    • anyway - troll post is trolling. keep the comments comingfadein11
    • anyone that disagrees with you, you label a troll haha. Really rather pathetic. lol at the sheep thinking he's the wolf.set
    • eh? was talking about my post you fucktard. my post was a troll post - read the comments (and the post)... numpty.fadein11
    • had a feeling you'd chime in on time lol... and not have a clue what was being said. haha.fadein11
    • #citizensetfadein11
    • I misunderstood your incessant rambling. Surprising.set
    • Not much worse for society than a sheep, helping herd the other sheep, proclaiming not to be a sheep & insulting anyone who disagrees with his sheep opinionsset
    • no rambling - just having a different viewpoint to yours ;) they are allowed you know (for now)fadein11
    • Your incessant rambling and your viewpoint are two different things entirely.set
    • ..at no point have I suggested you can't have your warped viewpoint.set
    • #citizenset - our man of the "extrem left" in Brighton :)fadein11
    • lol - my sheep opinions? as opposed to you - the man who thought a performance artists dinner party was evidence of satanicfadein11
    • Democrat party... PMSL - have a word with yourself. When clear of chemicals for longer than a day ;)fadein11
    • lol pathetic. Constant and desperate attempts at derogatory personal insults in order to help convince yourself your viewpoint prevails. Funny chap.set
    • eh? yet again you attacked my post. and then says I attack you PMSL.fadein11
    • re: sheep. why do you commute to London everyday to work in some shitty agency for shitty companies to make money. I don't work for anyone pal.fadein11
    • satanic hillary! #spiritcookingfadein11
    • "anyone that disagrees with you, you label a troll haha. Really rather pathetic. lol at the sheep thinking he's the wolf." - this post set - 1st one directed atfadein11
    • haha. You sound like a child who doesn't even believe their own argument. Desperately trying to personally insult me. Talking about where I live, my job...set
    • me ya? short-term memory surely not that bad?fadein11
    • ... (false) personal details about my life. Pathetic. This is the politics thread. For adults discussing politics, sheep.set
    • but you attacked me first you absolute spakka :)fadein11
    • Your only redeeming quality is that watching your feeble mind unravel into defensive expletives to enforce your viewpoint to yourself is rather amusingset
    • you have openly said on many occasions where you live and work lol - I'm not a hacker - I am not trying to steal your identity lolfadein11
    • "defensive expletives" - says you ha... wow, just wow. enjoy your day set, you have surpassed your lack of logic levels again - wowfadein11
    • I insulted your basic viewpoint in relation to the topic. You try and insult me on my home, my job and falsely accuse me of being a druggy. Amusing.set
    • You're clearly out of your depth, sunshine.set
    • #satanichillaryfadein11
    • ..but well done on letting us all know you work for yourself, as I happen to do too, incidentally, it's very big and clever and independent of you.set
    • Nope Set - you insult me continuously you fuckwit. As you have done again today. You brag about your short term memory being shot to pieces through smoking. Youfadein11
    • need to take a close look at yourself. I have only ever commented using info you have fed this site. Move on you dipstick. Seriously, it's getting v.tedious nowfadein11
    • But congrats on being trolled by my post oh superior enlightened one :)fadein11
    • I'm not even going to read your halfwit responses anymore. I'll just just laugh and point.set
    • cool - that suits me fine. I thought that was the agreement anyway but you insist on insulting me and commenting on all my posts. By all means do one numpty :)fadein11
    • Lost me at coolset
    • See if you are capable of sticking to the agreement this time. Trust me, I am. Enjoy your eve numptsta.fadein11
    • Lost me at seeset
    • you are generally lost aren't you lol. laterz dude - enjoy your eve numpty. trying to work here (yes people do work beyond 5pm).fadein11
    • lost me at youset

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