
Out of context: Reply #23053

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  • inteliboy2

    • and what do these mean you think?deathboy
    • why no reasoning to explain what it is you are trying to communicate. Do you believe these graphs lack relevant data such as level of subsidies or trade bubblesdeathboy
    • it is funny communication has digressed to posting images as significant things outside any further explanations.deathboy
    • from the graphs i see less GDP as less taxes. I see more jobs produced by subsidization of higher taxes. robbing peter to pay paul. was that the point?deathboy
    • is it to suggest only gov can create jobs? or show the bubbles they create while the red and blue associate to party and not policydeathboy
    • you're right. a shit post of shit internet graphs. I did find this article interesting though...inteliboy
    • http://fortune.com/2…inteliboy
    • that article is meh. It touches on hypothesis but doesn't really test them. The largest one is artifical growth sustainable and its effect on liberties.deathboy
    • but thanks you it does add more contextdeathboy
    • and it does call into question journalism that cites pay to play research, and almost seems to build the case off the synopsis of said paperdeathboy
    • The first graph could suggest that Democrats are better economic managers, contrary to the GOP line that they are the economically responsible party.BuddhaHat
    • The second graph could show that despite the GOP being anti-big-govt and pro-business, democrats are better at creating private sector employment.BuddhaHat
    • I'd say far less conclusions could be drawn from the last 2.BuddhaHat
    • ... which seem to be the same graph.BuddhaHat
    • Fucking Repupitards!utopian
    • Essentially the God fearing, warmongering, racist, hypocritical, homophobic, patriotic Republicans know how to run this great country into the ground.utopian

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