
Out of context: Reply #23050

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  • BuddhaHat2

    "I am saying we are losing our sense of what it means to be well informed. Ignorance is always correctable. But what shall we do if we take ignorance to be knowledge?”

    Ignorance is being taken as knowledge everywhere. Americans were just deceived into voting for someone because he had 'the best words', and would put 'the best people' into important cabinet positions. They were dumb enough to take that at its limited face value, rather than look at the more than 30 years of shady business deals, the multi-million dollar Trump U payout, the bankruptcies and the utterly abhorrent behaviour which might suggest to an above-average reader that the individual is temperamentally and professionally a poor candidate for the position of president. (all of that poor behaviour was either dismissed or rejected by the accused, who used outright fabrications and lies to justify their positions - Trump's 'millions of illegal votes were counted' comment is just the most recent)

    The one thing I really haven't seen since the election is any form of 'mea culpa' from media agencies, who bred complacency with voters by predicting a Clinton landslide, who peddled every Trump lie and scheme to its viewers without ever adequately pulling them up on their lies, and who in great part helped Trump into the White House. (There's not one major US news outlet that can be excluded from this behaviour, they were all guilty of it to a greater or lesser degree.)

    What we're left with now is media outlets reporting on interviews with Trump insiders, and allowing them to go unchecked when they profess ignorance at blatant conflicts of interest that are already swirling around the future president:


    "When it was pointed out that Trump has spoken about his business concerns with foreign leaders, and that foreign diplomats have suggested they’d stay in Trump hotels to curry favor, McCarthy professed ignorance.

    “Is someone saying that’s happened?” McCarthy said. “Can [diplomats] not stay at the hotel?”"

    This motherfucker is either a lying sack of shit, or is too ignorant of policy and protocol to hold the position he does, and I'm leaning very much toward the former. Until blatantly lying sacks of shit like this are called out or removed, you can be sure of greater ignorance and uncertainty in future, with regards to a range of issues like climate change, finance, consumer protection, etc etc. It really doesn't look good =\

    • remember the media outlets are selling content. cant just blame the supply side, without acknowledging the demand. we've never really lernd how to consume mediadeathboy
    • “We do not measure a culture by its output of undisguised trivialities but by what it claims as significant.”deathboy

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