
Out of context: Reply #23042

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  • whatthefunk3

    Just spitting out more shit this morning...


    • he's gonna be great in the middle eastGnash
    • land of the free!moldero
    • I am not big gov enough for this but I would support jailing business people who hire illegal immigrants.R_Kercz
    • Fine R_kerz, punishment for knowingly hiring an illegal alien is one thing, but that's entirely beside the point.monospaced
    • What if you, say, used the flag to wrap the body of a homeless person you killed for fun which you then buried. Is that ok?face_melter
    • consequences? this isnt a fucking dictatorship ya moron. i can burn whatever the fuck i want.CygnusZero4
    • I was saying that if we are going to start new gov surveillance projects maybe they should be around things that could help current citizens.R_Kercz
    • I've been under the impression that this was illegal in the usa.Gnash
    • ^ lmao wut? we arent under nazi reign. burning the flag is freedom of speech, protected under the first ammendment.CygnusZero4
    • only dictatorships throw people in jail for burning a flag. land of the free!CygnusZero4
    • https://www.law.corn…Gnash
    • ^ I knew It was based on something. I get that it's now been found unconstitutional, thoughGnash
    • It was illegal once. Certainly not something done lightly. I don't like the idea of it, but only a fucking moron would equate it with treason.monospaced
    • LOL! Hillary proposed this same law in 2005 https://en.wikipedia…bliznutty
    • Exactly. It isn't done lightly and is not a party driven thing. It's also JUST a flag and not being patriotic isn't a crime. Oh well.monospaced
    • No jail time, you can keep your citizenship. But if they get to burn the flag, then it should be first amendment to also beat their asses. Fists only.omg
    • ^ Mindless patriotism and hatre...is exactly how the rich will check you distracted while they get themselves massive tax breaks and raid your retirement fund.yuekit
    • ^ Burning flags constitutes mindless hate. Protecting your country from the enemy within is an expression of love and defense.omg
    • Well first of all no one is burning flags in large numbers anyway. But even if they were why should you care about someone burning a piece of cloth?yuekit
    • Classic distraction by the powerful interests behind the GOP in order to get you to fall in line.yuekit
    • You want to argue that signs are meaningless, then you would have no problem with people waving their swastikas and confederate flags. Maybe burn a cross.omg
    • I thought this was fake at first.since1979
    • People have the right to do wave any kind of symbol they want. I could care less.yuekit
    • lmao @ wanting to fight someone for burning a flag.yuekit
    • omg, still NO FUCKING CLUE what first amendment covers, and now throwing in hate as another concept he cannot define or grasp in ANY WAYmonospaced
    • because beating people up you don't like isn't freedom of speech, and burning the flag isn't a hate crime. You FUCKING MORONmonospaced
    • How is fighting any different than dance? You move the feet, hands and body, grab, and throw. All expressions of the mind. First amendment.omg
    • I see you skipped over the conclusion, where we compared the burning of the flag to swastikas and confederate flags.omg
    • And notice how I'm talking about fighting, yet somehow manage an intellectual conversation on it.omg
    • The flag also can't be used for clothing, or be used to sell produce and the recommended disposal method for old flags is burning. Checkmate, orange fuckface.face_melter
    • Only a retard would call a fist fight expression protected under the first amendment. And no, I missed nothing you moron. Sorry. You're wrong.monospaced
    • haha. then obviously you've never seen West Side Story, watched a b-boy breakdance or seen Jackie Chan in action.omg
    • o_0monospaced
    • https://www.youtube.…bliznutty
    • https://scontent-dft…bliznutty

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