
Out of context: Reply #21921

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  • fadein113

    US Election Recap:
    Clinton emails.
    Trump admitting sexual assault.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump charity fraud.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump calls for nuclear proliferation.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump calls for national stop and frisk.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump violates trade embargo with Cuba.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump sued over Trump U fraud.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump bribes DA.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump doesn’t pay taxes for 20 years.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump employs campaign manager involved in illegal corruption with Russia.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump calls for ban of an entire religion from entering US.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump lied about support for Iraq War over and over in debate.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump in court for rape of a minor.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump unaware of Russia's Crimea occupation.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump unaware of situation in Syria.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump penalized for racist housing discrimination.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump files for bankruptcy 6 times.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump goes 0-3 in debates by showing scant knowledge of world politics.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump slams people for being POWs.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump calls Mexicans rapists.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump questions judge's integrity because of parent's heritage.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump deletes emails involved in casino scandal.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump commits insurance fraud after Florida hurricane.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump has dozens of assault victims and witnesses come forward with allegations of abuse.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump attacks former Ms. America for being overweight.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump tweets about sex tapes at 3am.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump calls for US citizens to be sent to Gitmo.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump calls for more extreme forms of torture to be used.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump asks why can’t we use our nukes if we have them.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump calls for offensive bombing attack on sovereign nations because someone gave the middle finger.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump calls to kill women and children of suspected terrorists.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump says women should be punished for having abortions.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump makes fun of disabled people.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump calls for end of freedom of the press.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump calls global warming a Chinese hoax.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump praises Putin and Kim Jong Un's strong leadership.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump openly admits to not paying his employees during debate.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump calls Obama an illegitimate noncitizen hundreds of times over 7 years.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump uses campaign donations to enrich his own businesses.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump says Ted Cruz involved in JFK assassination ironically citing National Enquirer.
    Clinton emails.
    Trump says laziness is an inherent trait in black people.
    Random FBI letter about emails that were not sent to or from Clinton or found on her computer/server... but hell again we start talking about Clinton emails.
    Trump refuses to pay pollster for his own campaign.
    -Juan Guardia

    • You left out clinton smells of cabbageDillinger
    • Posting or agreeing with this is simply a broadcast to everyone of how utterly stupid and ignorant you areset
    • I mean it's fucking embarrassing reallyset
    • for once, I will have to agree with Set, you can be partisan as much as you want, but ignoring the gravity of these "emails" really shows a lot about youGeorgesII
    • I just enjoyed the list of embarrassments from Trump to be honest. I didn't write it. And yes I am aware of the importance of the emails although nothing tofadein11
    • break her has turned up yet - a lot of hot air.
      We will never agree on here so don't even attempt a debate. After all Set - you agree with Brexit - we are
    • poles apart.fadein11
    • Supporting Trump says a lot about you.fadein11
    • From a personal and ignorant 'I want cheap marmite and easy holidays to Italy' stance, I agree with staying in Europe. From a getting out of the clutches of a..set
    • But to call someone stupid for posting an amusing list of embarrassing statements from Trump says more about you I think. It wasn't a serious post.fadein11
    • one government controlling the whole of europe and taking away our sovereign right to choose to live how we want to live, then yes I agree with Brexit.set
    • clutches lol - here it comes...fadein11
    • "our sovereign right to choose to live how we want to live" - there we go. We are poles apart as I said. Have a good day Citizen Set.fadein11
    • We are indeed.set
    • interesting how people think handing that limited power back to our idiotic, clueless, back of a fag packet government will benefit them. pmsl.fadein11
    • and feel free to list the sovereign rights the EU has taken from you.fadein11
    • Nothing embarrassing about this post apart from the long list of embarrassing statements and promises Trump has made.fadein11
    • Middle England Set is Middle England.fadein11
    • Only a brainwashed idiot fails to see that it gives us the possibility in the future to create and form our own government, rather than be handed one.set
    • Yes our government is an idiotic, clueless, back of a fag packet fuckwits at the moment, but this gives us the possibility to change that ourselves.set
    • Staying in the EU, with the way it's heading, is a sure fire way of never having that chance. Even it if may seem at the moment like a remote one...set
    • We'll never agree. I just enjoy pointing out how much of silly twit you are, and seeing how offended and offensive you get each time.set
    • You shout NO YOU! Try to insult my work ethic, background, kerning, you name it. Then you go and downvote all my posts in other threads. It's brilliant.set
    • and the funny thing is, a middle englander is middle class and right wing, you are aware of this... yes? I'm a south londoner with hard left views.set
    • Your persistent confusion amuses me to no end.set
    • erm - you started this AGAIN - you retard - the post was comical. But you do remind me of Trump a little - how you used to brag on here a lot about shaggingfadein11
    • women you didn't even like. And all the other bullshit. You started this again. Wake up dipshit.fadein11
    • lolset
    • downvote all my posts lol - who's a whiney little cunt now. quit embarrassing yourself and DO SOME WORK ;)fadein11
    • classicset
    • go on do it - try not to comment - go and do something today... go on - I dare youfadein11
    • I wasn't whining at all I was saying how amusing it is that you actually go and do that.set
    • I'll happily do this all day. Don't stop getting offended now, please !set
    • oh damn - he's still commenting. whining about downvotes and my opinions of him (when I do not know him) - was my profile a little too accurate?fadein11
    • lolset
    • remember our agreement - see if you can stick to it eh. Because I did.fadein11
    • Now THIS is what QBN is all about. I could literally make idiots get offended and angry all day every day. It's my true calling.set
    • cool story citizen set - the hard sarf landanerfadein11
    • Haha now I'm a hard south londoner. The last few months I've been a privileged middle Englander haha. This was fun. Let's do it again sometime xset
    • ah your true calling is to be obnoxious and piss everyone off, along with your misogyny another trait you share with Trump... pmsl. A hard leftwinger lol.fadein11
    • from sarf landanfadein11
    • you just said you were in the other thread - oh you made that up did you? I am going on the info you feed me pal.fadein11
    • back to the agreement you strange confused character.fadein11
    • Love youset
    • I agree with the list. I haven't seen anything in the emails that matters. Her predecessors did it, too, in part because the system the US govt uses is soallthethings
    • antiquated. Her only mistake was to not be honest about it.allthethings
    • ^ thatkona
    • set/georges may argue with your opinionfadein11
    • Everyone is entitled to an opinion.kona
    • indeed - but normal people deliver theirs without insult.fadein11
    • Soft, Southern, shandy-drinking Londoner gets chippy. News at 11.face_melter
    • lolset
    • lol indeed set - lol indeed - you embarrassed yourself today. yet still comments - go on - try not comment citizen set from sarf landan.fadein11
    • HAHA!kona
    • haha! missed that. PMSL... destroyed.fadein11
    • hahaha, christ you take yourself so seriously.set
    • and still comments like butthurt teenager who's made a fool of himself in public.fadein11
    • :) laters set - love you - got shit to do now - got a family and shit - limited time for teenager shit pmsl.fadein11
    • I've been doing nothing but enjoying myself. You genuinely seem to miss that point.set
    • Your ruffled hatred is my joyset
    • See you tomorrow xset
    • I know you have and so have I lol... and today I learnt you are from Sarf Landan and a hard leftwinger PMSL :)fadein11
    • yurimon must be shakin' in his boots ;)fadein11
    • Gotchaset
    • yeah man you got me - good fun today kid. see you tomorrow ;)fadein11
    • I understand your pretty attempts at insulting me is what I mean. You'll never be able to. Ever. Just so you know.set
    • Just amuse me with your offended average man retaliation.set
    • but you attacked me? what don't you understand? are you a bit retarded or something? I haven't communciated with you in weeks.fadein11
    • I only go on how you act here now and in the past. please move on now - its over lol. enjoy your eve. you are becoming a little creepy.fadein11

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