
Out of context: Reply #21727

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    • "So, if no party backs him." - meaningless
      Littered with spelling errors.
      Why should we consider what this person has written?
    • If you read that and thought, 'damn, that's good, I'm gonna share that', why should we listen to anything you say either?BuddhaHat
    • Even qbn Clinton bullies can't deny, he's doing incredible for his first run at an office. It's a close race and she's divided the country horribly.robotron3k
    • so suck hard and then claim youre losing cause youre righteous. brilliant
    • yeah, he's doing incredible with 'the blacks', and the people he wants to throw back over his wall. Oh, and women love his sass, too.BuddhaHat
    • Such a lazy and ignorant way of thinking. Really? Having a shit president is gonna change our country for the better? Thats you solution? lol.sofakingback
    • "He's gonna disrupt everything. Break up the career politicians plans" Really? Then what? Replace it with what? He's gonna have a better approach to democracy?sofakingback
    • Thats the guy you think can bring the change this country has needed since the turn of the century? Fucking stupidity to the max level available.sofakingback
    • You Clinton bullies are wasting your time here, you should be busting up pickup trucks and assaulting people with Trump signs. Listen to Hillary.robotron3k
    • Not to mention Americans lazy thinking of: "just get rid of it" without a solution to take its place. Just like Iraq. Just kill their leader, those people will!sofakingback
    • "America is great because America is good" *whispersrobotron3k
    • How about we change laws from the ground up? How about we worry about the 87,000 + politicians we put in office? Do the work, don't be lazy.sofakingback
    • Calling out BS and lies isn't bullying. You also don't have to be a Clinton supporter to be tired of the lies and the dangerous idiocy of Trump supportersBuddhaHat
    • It's hard to tell if "we" is a reference to the people of Australia or how he want to separate us as a country.
    • Trumps policies are for the Americans, not for people who live outside the US who want to control us.
    • This was written by the worst kind of moron. The kind that thinks he's being smart. It's embarrassing how badly written this is.monospaced
    • Yes, illegal immigration is a problem, and racial issues heat quick and they'll be a solution. Let's not forget drugs, crime, and jobs for the American Worker.
    • Smart ones finds spelling mistakes because they are smart. lol
    • For every great movie and book, there is also a copy editor helping to dot the 'i' and cross the 't's
    • You're right, there is, but they're probably not fixing fundamental flaws in the writer's control of the English language.BuddhaHat
    • And also, movies aren't real, and scenes can be shot over and over. Kind of not at all like real life.BuddhaHat
    • Did you also know There is no word in the English language that rhymes with month, orange, silver or purple?
    • purple /ˈ-ɜːrpəl/, rhymes with curple, the hindquarters of a horse or donkey, hirple, to walk with a limp, nurple, the act of roughly twisting a nipple (slang)BuddhaHat
    • silver /ˈ-ɪlvər/, rhymes with chilver, a female lambBuddhaHat
    • month /ˈ-ʌnθ/, rhymes with en-plus-oneth (n + 1)th, a mathematical term; also hundred-and-oneth (= hundred-and-first)BuddhaHat
    • orange /ˈ-ɒrᵻndʒ/, rhymes with Blorenge, a hill in WalesBuddhaHat
    • Good work omg, I thought you were almost onto a 'fact' there... sadly not.BuddhaHat
    • But you're probably going to tell me Wikipedia is 'rigged', right?BuddhaHat
    • Here ya go, since you also know how to spell you can also fill in your own name
    • ... but you've got no skills in rhyming.
    • * * and that is a fact * *
    • if you were looking into the "rigging" aspects of the election system, you can check superPACs to see how much corporations have spent to get your vote.
    • sorry spent to get the "American" vote
    • you also might find super billionaire George Soros is on that list who also owns the smartmatic who makes the voting machines Americans will be using.
    • and they're all puppeting Hillary in this game.
    • A robust defence of your original post, omg, bravo. Nowhere did I mention support for SuperPACs, but you're just stuck on the 'rigged' bandwagonBuddhaHat
    • perhaps you'd care to discuss re-districting, aka gerrymandering and its 'rigging' effects on elected officialsBuddhaHat
    • how many less GOP candidates do you think would be in office without these sorts of unscrupulous activities?BuddhaHat
    • and wasn't it a GOP-installed SCOTUS that ruled on Citizens United in the first place?BuddhaHat
    • Roberts, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas and Alito?BuddhaHat
    • "Our system is rigged by the donors, giving hundreds of millions to Hillary Clinton's campaign”- DT
    • How about a video of 'Obama Warning Of Rigged Elections In 2008.' instead of stealing elections
    • that video was edited and fake af :(sted
    • Sterling responses omg, a quote from an orange, misogynistic, pathological liar of a clown with tiny hands, and a fake edited video. Top notch work.BuddhaHat
    • And SuperPac rhymes with VoterHack...robotron3k
    • sted, BuddhaHat- you guys are so pathetic trying to make us think the video is fake. I can spot fakes, this is not a fake.
    • i think omg the fascist were the same, look the other way law and order types. yet these intelligent people with all their stupidity call other stupid. rich.yurimon

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