
Out of context: Reply #20776

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  • CygnusZero45

    Man she cleaned his clock last night. And now he's complaining about the mic lmao. Sore loser!

    • He is a whiner2002
    • Hillary was horrible. She just gleaned a fake smile and delivered bullshit the entire time.
    • It amazes me the difference between what people saw last night. I thought she slaughtered him. It was rather obvious.kona
    • yeah kona, I didnt think it was worth watching, they both sucked. from a superficial primate perspective it looks like she won.yurimon
    • im impressed on the lens blur on her face and technology for makeup is really great. they really nailed the ingredients for the prescription drugs cocktailyurimon
    • to be fair it was designed in her favor trump was debating both her and the moderators.yurimon
    • how was it designed in her favor? bonus if you can answer without pointlessly attacking memonospaced
    • if you pay attention to the questions. hills was unscathed on a few issues. trump was battling both the moderators n hills. if you are hills supporteryurimon
    • it would be most likely overlooked because already favorable bias. from a neutral point of view the debate appears differently.yurimon
    • You're implying that the questions themselves were unfair, but the fact is that it's the answers that count.monospaced
    • If a certain question makes a candidate look bad — either candidate — it's not really anyone's fault besides the candidate who's answering it.monospaced
    • It was comically slanted, whatever, the fox debate will be slanted the other way, sad this is what passes for news agencies now adays though
    • considering certain topics were left out yes. however it does make trump look underdogish.yurimon
    • interesting ... that would explain why some people here are upset the questions weren't an interrogation about emails and benghazimonospaced
    • personally, I thought the questions were very fair, with each and every one being strictly about national issues and policies voters care aboutmonospaced
    • see, debates aren't the place to question the candidates about their past, it's a place to literally "debate" the issues .. the other shit happens anywaymonospaced
    • superficially hills won.slight of hand magic trick however they both cam off weird. her face has layer of plastic coating and her drug formula paid offyurimon
    • each question is addressed to both candidates, so the questions can't be candidate-specificmonospaced
    • she looked bit distanced with her constant smiling which plastic. more by how primates perceive her not losing her cool or drawn emotionally as matureyurimon
    • she didn't "win" anything, and if she did, it wasn't because of make-up, or "slight of hand magic trick" as you put it (what?)monospaced
    • trump was better then expected but he came of more of the one that cares as weird as it may seem to some.yurimon
    • mono there wasnt much substance to the whole thing. it was more of pony show. i dont see how people see that there was any substanceyurimon
    • I disagree. I learned a lot about how Trump still feels about certain things, from his understanding of computers and the nuclear situation (wow) ...monospaced
    • ... to how he views the state of the nation, certain unconstitutional policies practices, and even what he thinks about not paying taxes, believe it or not.monospaced
    • We learned a lot about how each plans to approach several topics as well. We also learned Trump is really not improving in his speaking skills also.monospaced
    • The discussion about the TPP was substantial, and they both made clear points about trade. It goes on.monospaced
    • considering your amnesia in light of the current war mongering administration, i disagree, and still cant figure out your logic. random feels.yurimon
    • okay yurimonospaced
    • #ignoreyurimonnb
    • #ignorenotworkieyurimon
    • I am intrigued how this candidate who voted for war, had a role in undermine countries, created a more dangerous world from more war is seen as pro peace n safeyurimon

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