Shooting of the Day

Out of context: Reply #1839

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  • sofakingback0

    All BS aside, these are some dark days.

    We have all eyes, all ears and full attention on the subject and no answers...

    from personal experience I know that polices officers acting this way is not new, its just in the spotlight, but I can't seem to understand why they don't curve their behavior considering the circumstances. Not just for their sake, but for the average citizen that lives in their community and the city's safety.

    • These events are statistical anomalies and there's many that like to play on peoples fears and anger.IRNlun6
    • And yet, how can we really expect anyone to coldly just look at stats without coming across as heartless? No easy answers.IRNlun6
    • it's an Open Carry state just not for brown skinned othersRamanisky2
    • anomalies??? No man, this is and has been anything but that. Again, this isn't new. Its just in your news feed now.sofakingback
    • There's so much data on this. The emotions get coupled with war on drugs, prison, and neglected communities so problem appears much larger.IRNlun6
    • Pointing at the stat is useless to the public though. Law enforcement can only do public outreach and go through the motions of the justice system.IRNlun6
    • So its not really a problem, because there isn't that many people being killed? So I gotta ask, how many killings would sufficient for you to consider this ansofakingback
    • issue?
      "I mean c'mon guys its not that bad"
    • "Its just a couple black guys" lolsofakingback
    • The real problem is the perception of being targeted by race. Every race gets shot by police, some more than black people(ie. hispanics and whites).IRNlun6
    • Like I said the stats don't help. Helping communities grow out of poverty is whats truly going to reduce the likelihood of violent confrontations with cops.IRNlun6
    • Also not true. Statistics show blacks get killed more than whites. You know this, why even go there? Blacks and Hispanics are more likely to be targeted by copssofakingback
    • Statics schmatistics.. a bunch of made up numbers by the MSM, ain't that right IRNun6?!?Ramanisky2
    • Target or confrontations because of crime? or living in crime areas?yurimon
    • Not always the case, being a minority in a predominately white neighborhood gets you major bad attention. You bet your ass you're getting harassed.sofakingback
    • The numbers are the numbers. There were around 1200 police killings in 2015. Most of those people were white. That does not tell the whole story.IRNlun6
    • Approximately 28% are black. But, compared to total population they make up a disproportionate number.IRNlun6
    • Comes down to wether people believe cops kill specifically because of race, or other factors that make confrontations more likely.IRNlun6
    • You're literally running over the same info we've talked about months ago. We all know this, the numbers show it. period. lolsofakingback
    • And then other incident happens. then another one, then another one. And you still think its as common as a meteor falling from the sky.sofakingback
    • Theres no need for big run around reasoning. Just say: I don't think its an issue that these negros were killed. Shit like this happens all the time to everyonesofakingback
    • Because thats what this means: "These events are statistical anomalies and there's many that like to play on peoples fears and anger."sofakingback
    • That's not what it means. You want to blame racism and I'm saying it's not. What's going to have a bigger impact and stop deaths? Helping communities? Or, what?IRNlun6
    • Anti-racism training programs? Still won't stop it because that's not what causes those confrontations.IRNlun6
    • And ffs, do you know how many meteors fall from the sky?IRNlun6
    • Guns, racism and police tactical training are the problem. Ignorance as well, as seen on some comments above.instrmntl
    • lol, actually when I typed the meteor thing I thought to myself: Well, it is quite common. But I was to lazy to come up with something better.sofakingback
    • BUT HOLD THE FUCK UP. are you saying these people are getting killed because they're poor? and if we help them not be poor they won't get shot?sofakingback
    • Thats how you see the world? as long as there isn't low income communities, there won't be a need to kill them? lol.sofakingback
    • So lets make errr body wealthy so they'll stop being all black with their rap music? Get those mexicans and their taco trucks into better communities? C'mon sonsofakingback
    • Not looking at individual cases, more affluent communities require less policing. Poverty increases the likelihood of an encounter with cops.IRNlun6
    • So yes, odds are if you reduce poverty you reduce the chance of violent confrontation with law enforcement. Same goes for every racial background.IRNlun6
    • if you look at prison population and crime stats with more detail you will see. however i still think cases of where extreme use of force need to be taken toyurimon
    • justice. its not acceptable, without accountability on all levels of gov, you really have despotism.yurimon
    • I believe was sofaki meant to say is that black lives matter, kill the pigs, don't oppress me with your inconvenient stats, race war full steam aheadterry_cloth
    • I don't want cops to die, I want them to stop killing people. But more importantly I want people to stop acting like its not a problem.sofakingback
    • I believe I've been clear on that.sofakingback
    • what is this anecdotal nonsense, "people acting like it(')s not a problem", how do you measure that. look at the numbers not the feels, nobody ever suggested thterry_cloth
    • -at people getting shot to death isn't "problematic" or whatever you dumb kids like to say, you are arguing against a vague bullshit straw man that is anythingterry_cloth
    • but important. the problem is people getting shot not that you deem peoples level of outrage to be sufficient, pat yourself on the back for caring so much thougterry_cloth

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