
Out of context: Reply #20646

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    "But the bad part," Trump said, "now we will give him amazing hospitalization. He will be taken care of by some of the best doctors in the world. He will be given a fully modern and updated hospital room. And he'll probably even have room service, knowing the way our country is."

    He added, "And on top of all that, he will be represented by an outstanding lawyer. His case will go through the various court systems for years and, in the end, people will forget and his punishment will not be what it once would have been. What a sad situation."

    - Donald Trump, taking a big ol' shit on The Constitution.


    • The Constitution is for the people who yearn for freedom and goals of working together. The technical glitches of the Constitution that protect terrorists....PaulAllen
    • ... is a safety net to protect the innocent. But the fuck face clearly had his fingerprint on the scene.PaulAllen
    • So if you rather firstly serve and protect the terrorist, rather than the innocent people the Constitution is made to serve then you got problems.PaulAllen
    • @PaulAllen: Justice doesn't mean you get the outcome you expect or demand. Justice means fairness for all people.nb
    • My hope for the perpetrator is that he gets adequate legal representation, so that he might be convicted by a free and just society.nb
    • You must not have been too happy when we killed Osama Bin Laden either.PaulAllen
    • Ahmad Khan Rahami will benefit from your free society with free food, clothing and board for hopefully the next few decades.PaulAllen
    • ...or do you think he deserves for his heroism? How do you normally like your metal shrapnel zipping by your head?PaulAllen
    • But Trump is the bad guy here because the terrorist is the victim somehow.PaulAllen

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